Lyman Reservoir Dam



New member
Apr 24, 2017
This might be a little out of the ordinary, but I'm taking the first two days of my fly fishing vacation next week in Potter County to fish Lyman Run. I know Pine Creek is probably better, but I like little wooded streams. At some point during this adventure, I'm going to have to take 4-5 rowdy, non-angling men who are basically children when it comes to fishing. I see that there is a dam below the reservoir that dumps into the stocked section of the creek, but I cannot tell from the satellite imagery if there's anything stopping the fish from stacking up below the dam like a concrete confluence or something like that.

So...I'll figure out the rest of the conditions on the nice wild parts when I go off on my own because I find that fun, but are there fish in the dam that my stupid friends can take a picture with a beat up stocker that they can put on Facebook so they can feel like real men?

All joking aside, I'm really excited to nymph this creek and catch some wild fish. Any information about the area I'd love to hear, because beyond the short lived jackassery with my fellas, I'm planning on fishing this creek hard.

Thanks and good luck this season.

saw over 30 golden trout in there last week while floating in my yak. lots of fish in there right now
Sandfly/Salvenus... PM coming.