Lural hill state park



New member
Jun 3, 2014
I am thinking that I would go to the state park and hit up the creek and below the dam. Right now I know that the Sophur hatch (sorry if butchered it ) is going on. Any body have some advice wether to hit above or below in the am ? I have some luck both spots but since it is now getting hotter I'm not sure which rout to go. I have limited time away from the fam. So if u have any input that would be great. Thanks
Above the bridge is always better in my opinion.
Thanks. What about Indian creek off of 31. I have looked a couple times at the stream but have never tried. I'm not looking at taking anybody's honey hole just looking for a successful day.
I've only ever fished the delayed harvest of Indian Creek and didn't have much fun. The stream is hard to fish, and the wading is all muck. I'm sure there is better places to fish the creek but I can't tell you any spots. As for Laurel Hill, if you google the Barronvale covered bridge Rockwood P.A. it crosses the creek about 2 miles from the park. Up the road from the bridge is Fall Run Rd. make a right and you can't miss the pull off. Its better up there in my opinion. There is also a Kings covered bridge right off 281 that crosses the stream with parking and easy stream access not too far from there, and another delayed harvest off Humbert rd near New Lexington. All these spots are within a half hour drive from each other. Google the bridges and the Rd. name for exact directions. These are all pretty popular fishing spots for the first 2 weeks of trout then I hardly see a soul, so your not taking anyones honey hole.
I to my dog for a hike around the Indian Ck. DHALO and it seemed like a pretty inhospitable stretch of water to fish.
It is very inhospitable.

Thank you I'll head up like I thought I should. Thanks
Don't bite off your nose....

I tell myself FPC every time I fish her.
Hey thanks guys. We did go up and had a great day. Not one fish caught but we still had a great day. I'm still looking at finding new spots close to Pittsburgh. The youghiogehny has some opurtunities. But feel better on a stream or creek. If you have any thoughts let me know. Thanks