


Sep 16, 2006
We're heading up Monday for the week, (Worlds End SP). Anyone know how it's been fishing?

As Always.... Thanks,
Don't know how it's been fishing, but they have been getting decent rain the past week, so it should not be too low for this time of the year. Don't forget Fishing Creek in Benton if you are in the area and want another option.

There is also a public meeting regarding drilling on portions of the Loyalsock State Forest on June 3 after public outcry.

Actually, the level is a bit below normal for this time of year, running at about 2.0 feet.

With the warm temps on the way for the latter half of the week, Fishing Creek might be better. Make that will be

The Big Pine had water temps of 70 this past week, and that was with more volume than the Sock.
I'm surprised, the Sock usually runs cold through much of May. I'm planning a trip to Fishing Creek near Benton on Monday.
At the level the Sock is now, after a few days in the mid-upper 80's will send water temps into the 70's.

For over 20 years, that was my go to stream. It is a shell of its former self. I have no desire to even fish there anymore.
steliejim wrote:
At the level the Sock is now, after a few days in the mid-upper 80's will send water temps into the 70's.

For over 20 years, that was my go to stream. It is a shell of its former self. I have no desire to even fish there anymore.

A combination of development and massive storms lead to its downfall?
You nailed it. Storms have wreaked havoc on the area. Some tribs in Sullivan County are absolutely decimated.

There were days when me and my oldest would have 50 fish days and we'd consider it a rough outing.

I have still never seen a stream where the stockies color up as quickly as the sock. The amount of crayfish that used to be in there, along with the bug life was amazing.

Best March Brown hatches I have ever seen occurred there for many years running.
Thanks for the help folks. Actually we know Fishing Creek around Benton/Stillwater pretty well. Worlds End is one of our favorite places so I thought it would be nice to fish the Loyalsock. I caught my first trout there on a Mickey Finn. What a thrill! Anyone fish Muncey lately?
steliejim wrote:
Actually, the level is a bit below normal for this time of year, running at about 2.0 feet.

With the warm temps on the way for the latter half of the week, Fishing Creek might be better. Make that will be

The Big Pine had water temps of 70 this past week, and that was with more volume than the Sock.

What part of Big Pine had temps of 70?
BeastBrown wrote:
steliejim wrote:
At the level the Sock is now, after a few days in the mid-upper 80's will send water temps into the 70's.

For over 20 years, that was my go to stream. It is a shell of its former self. I have no desire to even fish there anymore.

A combination of development and massive storms lead to its downfall?

Has there has been that much development in recent years in that watershed?
Delayed Harvest on the Pine was 70 Wednesday and Thursday.

Good thing we were there Monday and Tuesday.
Rolf - Fished my place in Benton this past weekend. March Browns and Tan Caddis are the two primary food source right now. Sulphers are just starting in Benton with only a few seen. I hear down around Orangeville there is acatually a good sulfer hatch.

That's why brad from potter and I fish pine above the canyon--- lower temps than below...50's-low 60's right now.
Fished the DHALO area at the Lycoming County line and caught a couple stockers about a week ago. Thought the bug activity too light but did see a lot of crayfish there as usual. Risers in the big pool upstream from the parking area there were few and far between. Very few spinners. Area is usually heavily stocked and it has been quite cool up there so I am not so sure water temps will be impacted just yet. Also hit some tributaries for brook trout which was quite satisfying and I'd say if you're looking at the Loyalsock in Sully Co you should be fishing a trib too.
Just checked the flow and it's currently 2.81 ft, which is really about perfect. It's up considerably since this thread was started.

We just got back from a four day stay. We fished inside the park and had some good days. Nancy fished a Humpy with a dropper and did well with the Humpy. I fished wets and though caught fish, Nancy schooled me, (as usual). The creek stayed clear despite rain on Tuesday and Tuesday night. Sulphers, caddis and midges, I(lots of midges) were the bugs of the day. All in all, a nice trip and we can’t wait to do it again. Fishing Creek around Benton is next. :)
Rolf, What Species of trout, wild or stocked?
There are 2 DH areas on Pine Creek, which one was 70's?
Chaz wrote:
Rolf, What Species of trout, wild or stocked?

Stocked Rainbows Chaz but very nice ones. 14" & 15" and good fighters.
The one from Slate Run to Naval Run had a temp of 70 last week.
According to the tackle shop's stream condition updates, 69 is the highest I've seen this week.