Lower Tulpehocken Stocking



Jun 5, 2009
Just noticed that the section of the Tulpehocken Creek below the Red Covered bridge has been removed from the stocking list. Any information on why that was done? Lack of use?
I swear section 8 was on there before. Perhaps a call to the SE regional office may provide an answer.
It was on the list earlier. I’m suspecting human error, but I can’t be certain. It’s public land though so that bodes well for my suspicion. Also, a change in the stocking program once the schedule is posted is normally shown in red print, so again I suspect an error.
That section is listed on the stocking site. The site says that the spring stockings will take place on April 5th and April 28th. If that is correct there will be no preseason stocking but two spring stockings after opening day.
It wasn’t there this morning so it must have been placed back in that publicly available schedule sometime during the day today.

As for the timing of the stockings, that section has always been stocked inseason only (no preseason stocking) by design.

So many trout are stocked in the DH Area though that trout undoubtedly move out of the DH Area into Section 08 prior to opening day, especially Brown Trout. Furthermore, there are the fish that remain and overwinter from the fall stocking of Section 08 in addition to some holdover spring stocked trout.
I believe that section is on the year round open fishing regulation category
If so, it may not be stocked during the closed season. This has been the case on other sections in this category.
Dave, that was true for a long time regarding waters in that program, but the relatively recently added Lehigh R . Section 08 is in the stocked trout waters open to year around fishing program and is stocked preseason. It’s a rarity and counter to the original intent of the program, but so it goes.
I was interrupted when typing the above and meant to say that the program was originally comprised of waters that had been listed in the summary booklet as being stocked inseason only, which started in Area 6, but later there were so many of them around the state that they were combined into a program of their own.

I should have said the reason for Lehigh entry into the program was apparently different from the original reason for inseason only stockings rather than counter to the intent. Given the size of that river in the Jim Thorpe area, I can understand that. The original ones in SE Pa were in more typical stream sections with respect to size where landowners would allow stocking as long as there was no opening day. Sometimes new waters came into the stocking program only because there would be no opening day and other times landowners started to post an existing stocked section and the section was salvaged through discussions with landowners only because opening day was eliminated.
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