Lower Penns Creek



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
I am going to be working up in the Lower Penns Creek Valley tomorrow. Don't know if the opportunity will present itself but if it does I will be ready. Does anybody know anything about the Smallmouth fishing or decent public access on the lower reaches of Penns. I have never fished it in my life but hope to give it a shot.
John, perhaps Jonus at the feathered hook could be of service to you on this. Worth a shot.
Not exactly sure what you mean as lower Penns- you can park in a few small parking areas around Weikert. Also access areas near Glen Iron.

Not sure what the fishing is like, I assume the SM would be fine. I have caught many above Weikert and Cherry Run access.

I don't know about the access further down river where it dumps into the Susquehanna. There are few game lands areas in the lower areas.
lv2nymph wrote:
John, perhaps Jonus at the feathered hook could be of service to you on this. Worth a shot.

Thanks Jack. Good idea, if I get time maybe I'll give Jonas a shout.


I am referring to the area south of Mifflinburg, down through New Berlin and on down toward Selinsgrove. Much lower in the watershed than the area you are referring to up around Weikert and Glen Iron. Thanks for the responses.

Good SMB in the stretch you describe.
Bruce Fisher at Penn's Creek Angler could also be resource as he is on the lower end down near Weickert.
bruce closed his doors to the fly shop but he is now guiding for smb. my buddy caught 6 bows last weekend on coffin flies. i wouldn't have believed him but his wife attested to his success. he was above glen iron and said water temp was 64.
Mike wrote:
Good SMB in the stretch you describe.

Yes there are! My buddy (co-worker) and I got a chance to fish a very small section of lower Penns Creek this afternoon. We only fished about a 100 yard stretch and were on the creek for about 2 hours. I know that between the two of us we hooked up with at least 40 fish. My buddy is fairly new to flyfishing and has never caught many fish on a fly rod. For me to be able to watch him bring 10 or 12 smallies to hand was really cool. He absolutely had a blast. We didn't catch any real big fish but we saw lots of fish in many different age classes. The rock structure making up the bottom where we were fishing was beautiful. Absolutely awesome Smallmouth habitat. Everywhere that looked like it should hold a bass - held one or more. For the past few years I have been wanting to fish the lower Penns Creek area for smallies and I am really glad I finally got the opportunity. Nice fishery.