Lost tippet spools



Feb 13, 2009
Anyone out there know anyone who lost a large collection of tippet spools? I found it. Describe what you lost & you'll get it via mail delivery. Contact me via PM, if you wish.

My buddy list two sets of spools in two weeks it may be his. It could either be white river tippet or orvis tippet. Not entirely sure what actual brand the orvis is ie floor/mono and I know one of them was lost near milesburg
More than 2 spools. Found on the Little J.
No I'm saying a stack of spools. He lost two stacks in two weeks lol. We were on the j over the jam. I believe he lost the orvis at the j but I'll hv to check with him.

Your buddy is pretty unlucky
Confirmed they are not his. Thank you though. And yes sometimes if it wasn't for bad luck we'd have no luck
Are you sure it's not his? It sounds like it could be, but I'll need a better description of what was lost.
Hey my buddy was asking for me. It was orvis and sizes went from 1x through 6x I think.
Proformance lost a stack of tippet spools, but those may or may not be hanging on my fishing vest. ;-)

Where do you find a SnatchHatch? I want to fish there. LMAO
Ladies & Gents, we may have a winner!

Can you give me more details describing what you lost? Where do you think you lost it?

I don't want to be picky about this, but I don't want to return it if it isn't really yours.
I understand. But I'm not sure how much more I can add. Lost it in the spruce creek stretch on J. Not sure where exactly though. Fell out of chest pack and I didn't realize til next fly change (when I lost my 3 fly setup ????). If there is a specific question you have for proof let'r rip. And kudos for putting it on the forum ????????
Huh. I guess u can't use emojis on here. Hence the many question marks.
Well, you could tell me if it was Orvis Super Strong or Mirage and how the 6 spools were held together. But, it may not matter anyhow, since I did not find it anywhere near Spruce. Sorry. :-(
No worries. Super strong and snapped together as they are made to. I was between the rr bridge upstream and a bit below the fly shop bridge that day if that helps. If not mine I hope the search continues. Haha.
The search continues. Anyone else lose tippet spools?