Lost Rod/Reel - Yellow Breaches - Run parking lot 9/23



Aug 10, 2015
Had a brain cramp and left the rod on the top of the car when pulling out. Was about 7P on 9/23. Was back in the parking lot in less than 5 minutes. 7'6" Orvis Clearwater 3wt. Battenkill I reel. If anyone picked it up, I will make it worth their time to contact me. Thanks. - Ross
Pm sent.
There are truly good people in this world. Thank you BrookieChaser.
No problem at all, jrj!

I'm glad I could help.
Nice to see a standup guy.......We're getting rare...... My wife of 35 + years of marriage told me a story a few years ago about how she decided I was a keeper......We were down Key West and walking thru a locals area when I looked down and found a wallet...... I picked it up and looked for a police station........Got directions and walked the four blocks in the heat to turn it in......The officer asked me how much money was in it and I responded" I didn't open the wallet, don't know" a local came in within minutes upset that he lost his wallet.......They returned it to him and he left without even a thank you.....same with the police officer......My wife remembers that from 35+ years ago......Lucky for me cause I ain't got looks or money :):):)
Go Team paflyfish!!!! And this is why we stick together through thick and thin!
WTG brookiechaser
No hard feelings but, it amazes me the amount of gear that gets left in this specific lot. Someone is always losing something there.
Tony the realtor thinks you should be more careful. LOL
Krayfish2 - I would agree. We must meet and head out sometime in the near future vs. trading pictures. Give TA my best.
I lost a wading staff and water bottle at Ingleby on Penns Creek this spring. I posted a notice on this board and had a response in a day. The bottle was found but the wading staff was not. The guy, "Inglebycamp" (Josh) found it and brought it to my camp the next time I was up there. Although the water bottle was less expensive than the staff, the bottle had sentimental value.
Gene I looked all over for that when I fished it never saw it. Whenever I get back to the jeep the rod is the first thing I put away.