Lost my flybox



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Realized i forgot my fly box at a stream a few days ago. Went back to check and its gone. My own dumb fault.

Anyway, instead of spending $50 to theflystop. Although the flies, prices and service there are the best ive delt with. I figured id give the ever so helpful members and mods a chance at some money for their efforts this time.

Basically if you tie in massive amounts or just plain out have so many flies laying around id love to send you some cash for them.

Im looking for about 100 flies. All simple patterns really. Your basic hares ears, pheasants, coppers, caddis, san juans some beaded some not and some color/pattern variations in between. Looking for about 2-3 different sizes each. A mix of 12, 14, 16 and maybe some 18's in the mix would work out well.

If anyone is interested let me know. The fall season is approaching in a week or so and i be needing some feathers to toss.
Sounds like a great opportunity to learn how to tie to me! :cool: :pint:
I have 100 flies for sale for $1.95

Wsender, been there done that. Ended up trading all my tying stuff for a new rod setup. I tied for a year or two then i just didnt have the patience to do it anymore. If i had a nice little tying den thatd probably be a different story but i dont. Just easier for me to buy a box or two a year for my fishing needs.