Lost 11/9: Fulling Mill Pin on Fly patch Grey


Dec 8, 2023
Lost on 11/9/24. Fulling Mill Pin on Fly Patch/Box. Somewhere between Woodbine parking lot to 3.5miles down stream on the trail/rail bed of Muddy Creek. If you fish there and have seen it I would very much like it back.
Lost on 11/9/24. Fulling Mill Pin on Fly Patch/Box. Somewhere between Woodbine parking lot to 3.5miles down stream on the trail/rail bed of Muddy Creek. If you fish there and have seen it I would very much like it back.
lol i lost mine too here in sw pa.. i’ll make sure to get all my flies off of it each time i am done for the day for now on
PSA for anyone on the fence about buying this item in particular. If you plan on doing any kind of bushwhacking, I would not go with this flypatch/box. Ive already lost the one above, but nearly lost my 2nd one on the little J trying to get myself unstuck from a tree. Luckily it only took a short boat trip down stream and was swirling in a little side pool but unless you have a way to fix it to your gear that doesnt rely on the pin, these are a no go for me as of now.