Loon UV wader repair



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
The leaky waders thread reminded me that I wanted to post a review on this stuff.

Wonderful. Absolutely great product.


I had a leaky seam on my last trip, and really didn't want to spend the high markup on waders at the fly shop up there. Not only that, but they only carried Hodgman, which is a company that I've not had a good track record with.

I borrowed some of this stuff streamside and put it on. It dries almost instantly, and once properly applied, kept me totally dry. I kept an eye on the seam throughout the trip, and would occasionally touch up areas where the stuff looked like it thought about coming off. I walked a few miles each day and it never rubbed off.

I instantly went to the fly shop to get a tube of this stuff, and have not been disappointed. You apply it in the shade and make sure it's spread over the leak. As soon as the sun hits it, it turns into a clear, malleable seal. I coated both seams with the stuff.

I'd recommend any fisherman get a tube to keep in the vest. It also worked well for putting on knots to keep them from slipping.
The Loon UV products work great but they have a shelf life of about a year. I've noticed that after a year not all the adhesive cures leaving some sticky residue which can hold sand and abrasive dirt.
tabasco joe,

Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to get a new tube every season.