Loon Deep Soft Weight



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
Hi All,
I found a container of deep soft that I haven't used for a few years. When I opened it, it was very hard.
My question is, is there some way to bring this back to some usable form or is it just better to trash it?
It's probably the older version that has lead. Could be worth a lot of money! The new deep soft weight doesn't harden up and wont stay on my line. Maybe you could try heating it up.
Soak it in hot water, sometimes it works.
It's probably the older version that has lead. Could be worth a lot of money! The new deep soft weight doesn't harden up and wont stay on my line. Maybe you could try heating it up.
No it says no lead nontoxic. I will try heating it a bit and see what happens.

Also may give the water suggestion a try. Maybe combine the two suggestions and use hot water. :)
No it says no lead nontoxic. I will try heating it a bit and see what happens.

Also may give the water suggestion a try. Maybe combine the two suggestions and use hot water. :)
I have used it for years, I know in the witnter , fishing in cold weather it will get hard. Sometimes breathing on it will soften it up. Try the very hot water first to see what happens. Tight lines.