Looks like I'm gonna start tying.



Jul 2, 2013
I broke my leg 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago, I have been bored, bored and more bored. My wonderful mother who still wants to take care of me just came to my apartment with a deluxe fly tying kit. It comes with vise,bobbin,hackle plier,scissors,head cement,mallard flank,bucktail, and what seems like a world of tying materials. For the first time in weeks I am excited about something. So I will be looking forward to asking all sorts of questions on here.
Welcome to another aspect of the sport. One which is as rewarding and frustrating as the fishing side!

Take your time, ask a lot of questions and don't be afraid to try.

Wait till you catch your first on your own tie!
Major bummer about the leg. Ya know there are better ways to take up tying! That was cool of your mom, she sounds like a keeper. :)
somerstein ... take a look at our newbie swaps
Sorry to hear about your leg. Speedy recovery. I guess something good comes from everything. So cudos to your Mom for getting you a tying kit. I have been tying for 42 yrs. It is a great hobby and great for your brain. Helps me de-stress after a crazy day of work.

How goes the tying?

First tie? Second? What was easy? Difficult? Pictures? Where do you need help?