Looks like Friday is it



Jan 30, 2007
With a high temp (air, that is) in the mid-40's Friday looks like a good day to hit a stream. Now, I just need to figure out where to go. Decisions, decisions...
Good luck Dave. You can have my fishing spot for next 3 months. Stay warm.
We just talked about that too. We are headed out somewhere, gota decide where. Goodluck!
Man - it's supposed to go down to single digits for a low tonight around here.
Good luck to you guys
I prefer it to be up near 50 degree air temp when I fish - and no snow melt - which probably won't be until march.
Yeah I think I might be sneaking out of work early Friday.
Saturday in SEPA is supposed to be 46F but windy.

I'd like to get out, but not sure where will have the warmest water - VC, LL, the Tully ?

I guess freestones are out right, and I want those with limestone influences ?


geebee, the Tully can be a crap shoot right now. You can locate hold-overs, and it was stocked with fingerlings this fall. I personally like to leave the dinks alone to grow. They seem to be the most active surface feeders (midges). I do think this summer took it's toll on the fish that were stocked last spring. It was also stocked this fall from Reber's Bridge downstream.
As long as they aren't covered with ice, freestones should be good to go too.
Im hoping the front slows down and the nicer weather stays around until Saturday evening. Id like to get a few hours on Saturday