lookout for these poachers on the Tulpy



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
there are several guys who have been trying to poach the DHALO part of the Tulpy. They had a run in with some guys that caught them with a bucket of trouts. They were made (under threat of getting beat up) to dump the bucket back into the river, and a few went belly up.

A coupla days ago, one of my ffishing buddies caught them getting geared up with salt water rigs. He got the WCO's number from a local TU member and called them in.

If you see/hear some Spanish speaking guys with salt water rigs in a black Isuzu truck, 4W drive, ask them if they know anything about this. We would like to get the license plate number or a pic to help get this under control.

more sepa poachers! jesus when will it end! see this is the very thing that gets "extremist" like me going. maybe if people didnt rob the trout out of the special reg areas i might not have a "skewed" veiw on harvest.
its kinda funny once talking with mike k on the phone i suggested, with humor, a special reg area for baiters. A Bait only section. then they wouldnt cry about how we have al;l the special reg areas. mike kinda laughed and said they never considered that. well of course not, the fish would be gone just like the approved trout waters and it would never work. the funny thing is the allocation letters for such a section would be BO! :-D
I think that they do have special regs for bait people and they are called "All Tackle".

Seriously, If I thought that they were starving and were living off of the fish.... than have at it brother. I live paycheck to paycheck (and sometimes they don't even go that far :lol: ) and I never once thought of filling a cooler with trout to feed my family. These people by and large are doing this to count how many fish they can get and I bet that you could find most of them rotting behind their neglected houses.
I was there on saturday when your friend was looking for the WCO's number. If possible could we post the local number so I can program it into my cell phone?
Ohio has a 1-800-POACHER hotline for 24-7-365 reporting of wildlife violations. Does PA have something simular? I think calling the authorities and reporting it is likely to be more productive than confronting people on the stream. People get massive fines and loss of liscence privledges in Ohio for poaching. Several organized rings have gotten short jail sentences. A few men in a truck repeatedly poaching would constitute an organized ring in Ohio.
no i meant a BAIT ONLY. keep all us AFLO guys out :-D
Anyone know the number for NEPA for the Lackawanna river,i seen a few myself,
i still think for highly well known special reg areas that real time cameras in the parking lots is the best solution. now while it could be expensive....but technology is always getting cheaper, it would be a good way to catch these people. not to mention for safety sake.you could get them stringing up the rod, the plate number, and them carrying the fish back. no one would have to monitor it. it could be on the web. but when a violation occurs then you could simpily play the feed back and catch them. something has to be done here in sepa, it is really bad. :-x

look in the summary book.....under if a violation occurs. there sould be a number to call there.
I've seen it before too. They don't know any better and they refuse to understand english when you tell them otherwise.

Being in the law enforcement field, the best thing to do would be make notes of the vehicle (license plate, make, model, color and anything out of the ordinary on the vehicle). The best thing to get would be the fishing license number and description of the person fishing. Then call the local WCO and report it however being so few WCO's compared to the size of the regions they cover they may not be able to make it there before the perp leaves. If the WCO doesn't make it there you will have to be willing to testify under oath at the local District Judge's office. Another note make sure you SEE the perp catching the fish out of REGULATED WATERS and actually POSSESSING the fish. If you call the regional office which can be found on the PFBC website they have a dispatch center (I believe) which will alert the officer faster than calling his office and leaving a message.
thats some good advice! maybe we need sdwlucas down there. you could arrest them then :-D
Sal, when your following the laws of the PFBC your not being extreme. Were going to work on this with you buddy. : )
Not so funny story about the Tulpy. Last year, every time I fished it seemed, I ran into the same guy that carried two spinning outfits with him. He caught fish and put them on a stringer (it was harvest season). We played leap frog through all the fishing spots, and every time we passed, the three fish grew in length! He was one of those a$$es that uses his stringer for culling the fish. I told him about it, but the next time I ran into him, the same thing happened all over again. He vacuumed up a lot of the quality fish from the Tupy, and probably killed a lot more by dragging them around on a stringer. No problem with taking fish, but play by the rules, and don’t kill fish and let them go to waste.

Lestrout – what are they doing with saltwater rigs, snagging fish?
If I ever stop posting suddenly, assume I'm in jail for busting someone's face in at the tully.

If I ever stop posting suddenly, assume I'm in jail for busting someone's face in at the tully.

I don't think someone is going to call the police because you gave him a whopping for poaching . He might as well just turn himself in ...... :-o