Looking to replace my 8'6" 5 weight



Nov 26, 2014
Lebanon, PA
I am getting ready to retire in a few months and while I still have a little to spend, I am thinking of replacing my first fly rod that I purchased in the mid-80s - an 8'6" 5 weight Orvis Green Mountain Series. I would like something in a medium-fast to fast (but not superfast) action. Ideally I would like to find a Fenwick Iron Feather of the same vintage (mid 80s before the manufacturing moved to Taiwan) but I never see any coming up for sale. I have a 7'3" 4 wt IF and it is my favorite rod. I would like to stay under $200 but could go a bit higher for the right one. Any suggestions for something of similar action would be appreciated and a used rod in great shape is obviously in consideration.

Also, I had read a while back that most of the Orvis rods from that time were built on the same blanks but the price was determined by the quality of the components used. Can anyone confirm or refute this?

Thanks for any help!
DEPete53 wrote:
I am getting ready to retire in a few months and while I still have a little to spend, I am thinking of replacing my first fly rod that I purchased in the mid-80s - an 8'6" 5 weight Orvis Green Mountain Series. I would like something in a medium-fast to fast (but not superfast) action. Ideally I would like to find a Fenwick Iron Feather of the same vintage (mid 80s before the manufacturing moved to Taiwan) but I never see any coming up for sale. I have a 7'3" 4 wt IF and it is my favorite rod. I would like to stay under $200 but could go a bit higher for the right one. Any suggestions for something of similar action would be appreciated and a used rod in great shape is obviously in consideration.

Also, I had read a while back that most of the Orvis rods from that time were built on the same blanks but the price was determined by the quality of the components used. Can anyone confirm or refute this?

Thanks for any help!

It sounds like you are an experienced FFer and know what you like and don't like in a rod. I'm not sure if anyone can tell you which rod is best for you. I don't believe you have to go back and find a 35 year old rod to get one you like, there are a lot of good rods out there right now, especially faster ones. The only way to find a rod you like is to cast a few and choose from there.

Here is an article I Googled up, that's close to two years old, but is still relevant. The rods listed are a starting point. Good luck on your search.

I have a bunch of Iron Feathers, but not in 'your' size. I would think that size IF would be stiffer and less limber than the Green Mountain of that series.
afish - thanks for the reply and link to the article. The Clearwater and Reaper were actually rods I am considering though the Reaper is not available in 5 wt at 8'6", only 4 wt.

I am not as experienced as the many years make it seem. When I first started fly fishing it was not very often and only for a few years. Then the kids arrived and I had about an 18 year break so it is only in the last 4-5 years that i have been back at it. Rods, reels, accessories, etc. certainly changed in that time! I would consider myself to still be in the novice category as far as casting goes.

My fishing buddy from way back moved to KY a while ago so I have been going out myself. As a result I have not really had the opportunity to cast very many different rods. I have picked up several of the CGRs when they were on sale for half off or more and while they do have their place I do prefer something faster most of the time. I have also picked up a couple of longer rods mainly for nymphing and I am a real rookie at that. Though I did catch a 22" RB stocker that I sight casted a nymph to - twice! Most of my fishing is on what I would call small streams - the Quittie, Manada, Clark and a tiny Brookie stream in the area. I really love fishing dries and the 9 and 10 footers are often just too long for the available casting space and my casting abilities.

In my original post I was looking for suggestions for what I could try to find to cast somewhere and hoping someone familiar the older IFs would have some ideas about more modern equivalents (or have an 8'6" 5 IF they were looking to part with!)

Again, thanks for the reply. DEP
les - I also suspect that the IF would be stiffer than the Green Mtn and that is what I am looking for. At times I can cast OK with the GM and then a little later I suck - surely because of my casting ability. I seem to be more consistent with the IF and overall just love the feel. A friend has the 7'3" 3 wt and it is definitely not as stiff as my 4.

You mentioned you have bunch of IFs. Are they from the same time period and are you willing to part with any and what size?

Feel free to PM me and thanks for the reply.
