Looking To Purchase a New Vise



New member
Feb 16, 2008
During the past few years of my fly tying experiences I have used nothing but cheap vises that have led to wobbly hooks. I'm looking to make a solid purchase to end this frustrating dilemma. Two vise brands I have been looking into are Dyna-King (something like the Barracuda or the Barracuda Junior Trekker) and Renzetti (something like the Presentation Cam 2000). Can anyone offer any insight on these brands as well as any other suggestions? Thanks.

The subject of vises has been brought up many times. Here is a fairly recent thread on the subject with good advice from many experienced tyers and pro tyers on the board. Attached is a link to that discussion.

I myself us a Renzetti Traveler vise, and wouldn't trade it for anything. The Renzetti Presentation model is certainly a well-built piece of equipment, but unless you are a commercial tyer, the cheaper Traveler model may suffice. I’ve tied many thousands of flies on my Traveler without a “hitch” (no pun), and used it for over 15 years.

Good luck.

PAFF Vise Thread
I have the Danvise and really like it. I did not like the clamp it cam with and switched to a pedistal base. Cost me ten bucks to upgrade. It also comes with a video that shows you how to use it. My came with a VHS tape. I had to take it to camp as that is the only place we have a VCR :-o
After tying for 25 years with cheaper vises, I broke down and bought a regal last year.
It's very nice - I'd say that money was well spent
I too own the danvise listed above...when I bought mine it was considered the best rotary vise for under 100 bucks.....think I paid 95 dollars for mine out of a cabelas catalog.......great vise, can go from midge to salmon streamer with the twist of a knob.....have not had a problem with it...........way better than any of the starter vises I have used in the past........probably going on 8 years or so with the vise ( not sure though )
Hey Jake,

Regal vises definitely a great vise and not overly expensive, I like the look and feel of it, and is real easy to use and very reliable.

good tying
Hey thanks again guys for all the great advice. I will prob. go w/ the Renzetti Traveler 2200.
Hey Jake, nice hat! Go sox!

As for a vise, I asked the same question last fall and I'm about to buy the Traveller myself.
I just splurged on a cam Traveler w/ ped base. It's meant to arrive Wed, I'll let you know what I think.
Bought the Dyna King Barracuda Junior 3-4 years ago. Not really happy with it. Their tolerances are really not that good, and it does not lock in position as well as the Renzetti, nor rotate as smoothly. It is a little more stoutly built, but not as well built IMHO.

I like the rotary feature. If that was not important, then Regal makes awesome vises.