Looking good this weekend



Aug 28, 2015
Crazy winter we're having. Goes from a winter storm this past weekend to high 40's this upcoming weekend. I can't speak for the rest of the state, but my area of SWPA got about a foot of snow Saturday. After these past two days in the 40's, 3/4 or all of it has melted, depending on the area sunlight. Only a 20% chance of precipitation the next couple days, then high 40's for the weekend. It's looking like it might be half decent fishing weather! I'm going to try to get out both days somewhere, not sure exactly where yet. Anyone else planning on taking advantage of another decent weekend of winter fishing?
Well, just to be forewarned, if you head down towards the Laurel Highlands, I know Somerset got 36" with that same storm!

While through melting and compaction snow totals are shrinking everywhere, note that a foot seems pretty light in comparison to what many others got.
More than 2 feet here in Center Valley, Allentown had 32 inches. Compaction may have taken place in Center Valley, I'm thinking it more than likely was more.
Going to hit a nice local brookie stream I have only been to once. Couldn't fish it during deer season. However did receive more then a foot of snow here.
pcray1231 wrote:
Well, just to be forewarned, if you head down towards the Laurel Highlands, I know Somerset got 36" with that same storm!

While through melting and compaction snow totals are shrinking everywhere, note that a foot seems pretty light in comparison to what many others got.

You are correct there. We certainly got lucky in my area as compared to much of the rest of the state. Snow itself doesn't bother me too much. I have a good 4wd and I'm in pretty good shape. Its the freezing temperatures that get to me lol. If it's below 38-40, I just stay home.
Laurel Hill's gauge is perfect right now. Not sure how much melted there to this point though. In Pittsburgh there really isn't any snow left.
Laurel Hills' gauge is iced over.