Looking forward to this forum......


Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
What say you?
Went to a stream to fish for trout, but the water was warm. Bummer! 😎
I'll be checking it periodically. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), there isn't much warm water fishing left this year.

I'm looking forward to this forum as well. Hoping to pick up some info on the selected topic. There aren't many streams, if any,(at least that I know of) on the western side of the state that stay cool enough for trout fishing. If I want to fish, it's got to be for a different species, which I really haven't done.

Glad this forum got started 😎
Well I am in Texas. So I will benefit from this topic as well. Let's star it of by asking, what Fly do you all use to fish for small mouth bass and carp. Pix and or recepies would be good!

Forgot this one !!!!!!

Fredrick, may I ask what you caught the catfish on? Only ever caught one once on a fly- a small brown and gold streamer. Would love to know how you caught that guy!

Nice catfish. I, too, have never managed to nab one on the fly. Someone recently suggested big fuzzy nightcrawler imitations. Waddya think?

Its a little late for this but during the whitefly hatch on the susky, the catties cruise the surface enmass. With few bass to target now, I've turned my sights to them. Casting to the swirls and s-wakes, I've caught a few this way. sometimes in the range Frederick shows. Biggest thusfar was bout 24"

Once this year when targeting a bass rise...they are differnet...I went after a cattie bunch in the same area...keep in mind its dark. And when I set the hook, I thought I had a large cattie. I brought to hand a truely behemeth smallie. about 19"

But ya gotta wait till next year.