Looking for vise advice

  • Thread starter Rusty_Shackelford
  • Start date


New member
Mar 11, 2020
I am looking into tying my own flies and I have always avoided buying any kits so I decided to build my own kit and the only item I am uncertain about is the vise. Can someone please suggest an inexpensive vise to start out with? Ideally one with a rotary function so I can see the bottom of my fly without removing it from the vise. I am considering the Griffin Odyssey Spider vise but even it is a bit more than I was hoping to spend until I'm sure that tying is for me. I hope to tie some basic trout patterns and some streamers.
Peak makes a good vise suitable for beginners to advanced. I use one and I tie a lot of flies from midges to muskies. This vise retails in the $125 range.
I'd second Dave W's suggestion. I started with a Thompson AA and ran that until the jaws started to wear out. I too wanted to go with a rotary and bought a Peak. Very nice product with great quality. At some point I purchased a lightly used Regal non-rotary. The Regal is my main squeeze now but I kept the Peak. My daughters are starting to use it so I'm happy I kept it.
I now have the Peak Rotary and the Renzetti Traveler on my short list, didn't expect this to be so pricey but I mite as well do it right if I'm going to. What do y'all prefer, the base or the C-clamp style? I am leaning toward the clamp but if someone has a good reason for getting one with a base instead I'd love to hear it.
My Thompson was a clamp but my others have a weighted base. If I was in your wading boots, I'd buy one with a base, knowing that I could buy a clamp at a later date for itinerant tying circumstances.

Renzetti are also of great quality. Not trying to muddy the waters but you can't go wrong. Have fun with it!
ez rotary vise $60


tungsten carbide vise $75

The renzetti knock off looks pretty nice.
Has anyone tried it?.

Check your local fly shops for used models. I was in California last November and visited a fly shop that must have had 10 used ones one the shelf all affordably priced.
renzetti traveler is my vote. buy once cry once. then be happy because you have better jaws than a peak and cool new do dads and ad ons should you want to upgrade too.

also cool username but I'm onto you Gribble
I never had a peak but the traveller is a very nice vise. I had a regal Medallion, and an hmh Spartan, I prefer the traveller to both. I also have a renzetti presentation 2000 that I got a good deal on that I keep at my camp. That is a very nice vise.

Everyone has different opinions, but I'm partial to renzetti.
I purchased a Peak Rotary this morning for $140, seemed like a reasonable price. Thank you for all the help.
Anyone use or tried a Griffin Montana Mongoose? I think I'm down to that or a Renzetti Traveler. Leaning toward the Griffin. Have an older Griffin I use now.

Also, looking for a smaller seller, perhaps a shop owner who frequents the board to buy from.

Look forward to hearing back.

Sellers can PM if they'd prefer.

I too am looking at the peak vs Griffin Montana mongoose
I pulled the trigger on the Griffin last night. Money wins. Got one for 160 bucks online.
Got a traveler when they first came out. Upgraded to cam jaws and got the bobbin hanger. Never questioned the purchase.