Looking for a new chest pack



Jun 2, 2017
Hey everyone, I'm in the market for a chest pack and there are just so many options and styles. I have an older William Joseph fly vest that I can't even find any info on anywhere online... It is in great shape but it's just time to move on and upgrade.

I'd love to hear any recommendations for a certain pack and why you like it. Personally I'm looking for something that I can carry a decent amount of gear in( 4 boxes nymphs, junk flies, big streamers and dries, various tippets, etc..) A chest and back pack would be my preferred way to go so I could fit in my rain jacket in the back and maybe a snack or two.

Price isn't a huge issue so any recommendations help! Thanks!
I like this one so far. https://umpqua.com/products/packs-and-bags/packs-bags/overlook-500-zs-chest-pack
Good info in those threads.

There’s combo’s out there that have a conventional chest pack that integrates with a backpack. You can wear either piece separately, or both together. There’s also backpacks that have a vest like front, or pockets on the front straps to keep some frequently used items up front. In either of those options, pay sharp attention to the waist belt system...some don’t even have one. Once you load up that backpack with a jacket, lunch, and a day hike’s worth of water, you’ll understand its importance.

Check out the offerings from Fishpond and LLBean for some ideas.

I have an LLBean Kennebec...It’s fairly modest up front storage...2 fly boxes, tippet, shot, floatant maybe, but it has the largest backpack with the best suspension system of the options I considered, which was my biggest priority. I can carry enough up front with it that I don’t normally need to get into the backpack while fishing. Backpack is daypack sized...Easily holds a jacket, plus another layer, lunch, water, snacks. I’ve had my backpacking stove, pot, and fuel canister for hot lunches in there too.

Plenty of options depending on your needs and priorities. Just check em’ out and see what works for you. But buy one with a waist belt.