Looking for a Mentor in the York/Lancaster Area



New member
Nov 29, 2018
Hello -

My name is Nate and I live in East York. I work as an accountant for a non-profit and am 28 years old.

I am very interested in learning the basics of fly fishing via a local mentor, preferably in York or Lancaster. This is my favorite way to learn a new skill. I already have some basic equipment and flies.

So... anyone, younger or older, who is patient and willing to share some tips and go fishing with me is much appreciated!

Thank you.

I'm certainly not a good example for a mentor by any means. I've made plenty of life mistakes god knows but I even made some for the sake of fishing more.
I'm positive I can help you out.
I'm 40, been fly fishing for 30 years, I'm self taught so I have my ways and theories. There is much to learn in this sport and it's impossible to learn it all. I'd be willing to share some of my pieces of the puzzle with you.
I don't fish as much as I used to because of 2 young kids but let's meet up sometime. I live in lancaster. I'll pm you my number.
Ditto as Sal. I don't get out as much right now, and I may not be in Lancaster much longer, but while I'm here, I'll be glad to go out fishing.

Almost forgot. I also highly recommend you click on the events and meetups forum. Try to attend some things and mostly the spring jam. The amount of knowledge on this board is just so vast as to be amazing. You will branch out, learn new things and meet good people. The guys on this forum are very accepting and helpful in person.
I don't attend them like I should but I suppose I'm just very set in my ways and pretty reclusive.
Anyways, just a thought.


I live in Dallastown and am a member of Muddy Creek TU. We have a meet and greet on Dec 5th at Mignanos Pizzaria in Felton beginning at 6pm. Come out if you can and meet some of the gang. You won’t do any onstream learning but will have an opportunity to meet a number if potential fishing buddies who fish local and afar who are always willing to share.

Hope to see you there.

I encourage to head on over the to Muddy Creek TU meeting as Maurice suggested. Great way to get connected and a very good organization as well.

There will likely be other meetups this spring in SE PA so stay tuned to the site for more announcements.
Hello njohnson,

I live in Springettsbury Township on Mt. Zion Road. I've been fly fishing for quite a few years and know my way around a fly rod for casting tutelage and could get you on the right foot with basic knots, gear, terminology, whatever. If interested you can PM me. Matt aka wbranch.

BTW, we wouldn't be doing any on stream fishing because it is just too darn cold and to be frank trout just don't need to eat very much in the winter because their metabolism slows down and they get lock jaw unless your offering pretty much drifts right into their mouth.

I start getting back on the water for local trout around mid March. Earlier for spring run steelhead which can begin as early as late February/early March.
Mentor update;

As it turned out I live just 1.2 miles from Nate. We have met four times and I was able to get him a great deal on an Orvis Encounter 8'6" #5. As soon as it warms up to at least 50 degrees I plan on getting him up to the Tully to start learning the fundamentals of nymphing. Next purchase is going to be waders. Looking forward to posting up picture of his first fly caught trout.

I see I'm a little late to this thread, but I wanted to reach out anyway. I'm 24 years old and a native of Lancaster County. I just got back from 2 years living and guiding in Colorado and Wyoming for trout. I came back primarily for work and personal reasons, and I must say, I miss the big skies and wild freestone rivers of our western states. I'm not guiding officially right now of course, but I am chomping at the bit to get out constantly, and I am always looking for someone to fish with. Best,
hello, my name is john, I will mentor you via e mail. I have the answers to your questions. I have the knowledge of fly tying. leader construction, lure building, bait, flyfishing, all freshwater fishing.

let me help till you find a local . not saying you will hit it off.

trust me, I have been around.


not for profit, how bout for fun.

all the other old boys left me here alone with a purpose. I will be more than happy to carry on.
Good for you guys reaching out and for those willing to give some help.

You will be very glad you did as the fly fishing learning curve is steep but will be cut much shorter. Good luck.