Loging on



Mar 6, 2007
I think this is the right place to put this. If not, please remove and/or PM me with any info you have to help. I can log in to PAFF on my work computer and phone. However, I cannot log in when I am on my home laptop. Nor can I log in on my phone when I am in my house. What would be occurring in my house that prohibits this? Any thoughts? I have no trouble getting on any other site in my house. When I attempt to go to www.paff.com the page will not even come up - it just comes up blank white..
TDB wrote:
I think this is the right place to put this. If not, please remove and/or PM me with any info you have to help. I can log in to PAFF on my work computer and phone. However, I cannot log in when I am on my home laptop. Nor can I log in on my phone when I am in my house. What would be occurring in my house that prohibits this? Any thoughts? I have no trouble getting on any other site in my house. When I attempt to go to www.paff.com the page will not even come up - it just comes up blank white..

Um....try www.paflyfish.com The site url is not PAFF.
Um... Yeah I realize that since I access it at other venues. I was too lazy to type it out in my post. But I guess I just typed 40x the letters to explain why I didn't just write it out ..:)
Ok, well, I don't know. I would try resetting the modems, routers and deleting cookies from the troubled devices.

Are you saying your phone works when connected to other connection devices?
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, my phone works as long as I'm not in my house. I suspect my laptop would also work if I just was at another location working off of a different connection. I am not very system literate. Is there a quick answer to how I reset my router, etc? Thanks
If the phone connects through your home router, then it is trying to connect using the same ip as the home computer. Thus, the issue may be with your router or local ISP. Occasionally ip addresses are blocked on this site because of heavy spam from a particular ip address or block of addresses. You may need to tell Dave Kile privately what your ip address is on the router.

Now, on the other hand, if the phone fails when it connects over cell network (as opposed to using the wi-fi capabilities) when you are home, then you have a mystery on your hands, or some forcefield around your home which does not like PAFF.
TDB wrote:
Is there a quick answer to how I reset my router, etc? Thanks

You can try unplugging it and plugging it back in. But this is usually a fix for nothing loading. My kids have to do it all the time with their apple products.
Hi Fishing guys and girls! Just joined about an hour ago. But been fishing 60-70 years.LIKE WHAT I SEE! Thanks for having me. Will stop back later with lots of questions. - Highhook