logan branch update



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
from the center daily times about cerro metals site along logan branch


If you are looking for something to do, but can't for whatever reason, you can donate to the ClearWater Conservancy. http://www.clearwaterconservancy.org/index.htm

They will do the most important work protecting the river. You can direct the donation to this area. http://www.clearwaterconservancy.org/support.htm

Ground contamination is a major problem in a lot of industrial complexes. Generally, regs are pretty good today, industries capture and treat all of their water, even the rainwater off the roof and roads. But environmental practices were not always so good. And many of the still existing plants were built 100 years ago. So many of these plants are still de facto major polluters, but it's not adding new pollutants, it's stuff that soaked into the ground 50 years ago, and continues to slowly leach out.

Combatting something like that isn't easy, short of bulldozing the plant and ground beneath it.

Cerro Metals was a small enough facility and it looks like they do have a handle on things as much as can be hoped for. With the new industrial park, you just gotta watch to make sure things don't change on how they handle that.

Kudos to the conservancy.
What has Clearwater done in relation to this, or what do you anticipate that they will do?

Well, from the article, it says they "supported" the current ongoing cleanup efforts with the DEP. They pump the groundwater underneath the plant up, then through a treatment practice, before discharging it to the stream at drinking water quality.

I took "supported" to mean financially, but might have jumped to conclusions on that.

Also, the new owners of the property have reached out to the conservancy to work "pro-actively" to do "the right thing for the creek". I take that to mean further cleanup efforts will be undertaken, or at least that the conservancy will, at the very least, play an advisory role in terms of environmental effects on the stream with whatever industry may go in.

But yeah, from the article, the involvement of the conservancy is implied, but not clearly stated.