llbean streamlight ultra



Jun 30, 2011
streamlight ultra vs temple forks looking for some input
Kinda tough to compare without knowing which TFO you're talking about.

My experience is limited to the 8 1/2 and 9' 6wt Streamlight Ultras. Mostly the shorter one, as I haven't even cast my 9'er yet.

TFO doen't make anything with components as nice as the Ultra - it's a really good looking rod. The pics online and in the catalog don't do it justice. It casts great, too. I'd say the action is on the faster side of medium fast.

Having spent several days casting and teaching with the Ultras, I can positively say I really like them. My students do too, and I've sold quite a few combos already.

The Ultra also comes with a reel-on-rod case that is excellent. It has a divided liner to prevent the sections from banging together. TFO doesn't even give you a case on most models, just a rod sock.

Having casted most TFO models (not including the BVK), I can honestly say the Ultra smokes 'em, all around. Great bang for the buck. Better warranty, too - there's no fee to return or exchange the Ultra, for life.

Thats all i needed to hear thanks a bunch
Keppenbill - Just a thought...

If you take an Outdoor Discovery School Walk-on casting lesson, you get a 10% off coupon and a one year membership to Trout Unlimited. It's worth the $20, and then some. ;-)

Wow, that is a hell of a deal, actually.

I bought a friend the 9' 5wt Ultra and the reel to match it. The reel looks nice, feels nice and works real well 'til you get it wet, then it sucks and just grits up. He's not happy, and I'm embarrassed to have suggested it, sve for the hassle free exchange we'll perform.

The rod, on the other hand, is sweet. It looks great, and is effortless to cast. The 9' 5wt, to me, is a nice, moderate loading rod that I was able to sling pretty well. For the price I paid (during the fishing sale), I couldn't be any happier, nor could the guy I bought it for. He has it paired with the 5wt bagged line, and it really comes together.

TFO rods generally don't impress me. I've got one example that does, and I think it really works because its 10' so it loads much smoother than their shorter sticks, and I mated it with a GPX line so it was nicer. The materials are still uglier than LLB.
gfen wrote:

The reel looks nice, feels nice and works real well 'til you get it wet, then it sucks and just grits up. He's not happy, and I'm embarrassed to have suggested it, sve for the hassle free exchange we'll perform.

They're aware of the problem with the Ultra reels. You can do one of three things:

1 - Get a refund
2 - Exchange the reel for one of the new ones that the problem is fixed on.
3 - Ask for the part to fix it - it's a one screw removal and swap.

The fix works, and the reel is super smooth afterwards, even when wet.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
1 - Get a refund
2 - Exchange the reel for one of the new ones that the problem is fixed on.
3 - Ask for the part to fix it - it's a one screw removal and swap.

That's pretty cool that they can just provide the part to fix it.. Would I have to show up with the reel, or if I came in and caught one of the guys I know there, would my word be enough to walk out with one?

My friend is down in Philly and not up here too often, if I could drop it into the mail would make all our lives way easier.

And other than that, I really liked the reel. Had that fancy high tech look about it and a big ole arbour which is also attractive.

FWIW, Kep, I walked into the store to buy the old line on discount and walked out with the new stuff because I liked it so much. Oh, and HA is right, its a big ole beefy case to TFO's disposable plastic bag. And its a reel-on case. I loathe rod only cases.
Without the reel, you'd have to see ME. :cool:

Seriously, if there's someone helping you that doesn't know where the part box is, it's on the top shelf of the cabinet where we keep the ODS fly casting gear in the bike shop (small white box).

Typical handling of the situation for a customer would be #1 or #2 in my above post. The part is the cone shaped base that the spool screws on to.

Steve's on vacation, so you better hit up George, Sparky, or me. Anyone else isn't likely to know about it, and I'm not sure George and Sparky do. The parts were supposed to be for our store stock reels, but they all sold. The new ones are good to go.

We'll have to see what the schedule holds, with one eye down I'm thinking I'm stuck pretty much within about 5 minutes of my home, which means work and the Monocacy.

Huh, that ain't much different than my normal life, is it?
thanks for all the info, its good too see there are more programs to get people into ff and for only 10.00
Gary if you could make it in today before 1 I could get you the part, I know where it is.

Trying to keep it easy today and my first forays out into the world, thnks for the offer though.
A reel friend would drop it off in exchange for valuable gun info. Amirite?
Actually, I just came back to this thread going to say, I would ask management if I could take it for you, then send it to u in mail. Will let you know later.
Hey Sparky - Grab one and bring it to the Trico Jam. If Mr. Mensterfacher isn't there, I'll drop it off at his house. If the MOD won't let you take one, I'll call Steve and pick it up on Friday before the Jam.

I'm intending to goto the jam, I'm pretty sure fishing will be comedy in motion, but hell, I'm starting to lose my mind from the utter boredom.

Actually, I'm gonna go wash the surface filth off and go fishing. I can't handle sitting here all day long.
Gary - We've got you covered on that reel part. Sparky has everything under control. :-o

I recently participated in the LL Bean fly casting walk-on and enjoyed it. The 10% coupon was a nice bonus, and I think I'm going to get the Streamlight Ultra (8'6 either 5 or 6). It puts some of the other similarly priced outfits (Cabelas's etc) to shame. Are all of the reels fixed now or should I be on the lookout for something?
they said the reels are updated and no longer have the issue..