Livingston Montana Questions



Sep 4, 2012
Headed out there next week and just thought I'd see what people on here had to say. I'm staying right on the Yellowstone river so I will be fishing that and probably making a trip to the Madison. Any other recommended rivers? or back country hikes to fishing? Any suggestions appreciated I have some what of a plan just seeing what other people say.
It's montana, you won't want to come home.
Ill second that.

We spent most of our time in the Bozeman area but we did do a float on the Yellowstone down to Livingston. Just beautiful. Places that i would love to hit that we did not get time because we were hiking would be Hyalite creek and Fairy Lake. Both are in the Bozeman area but fairy lake is sooooo worth the drive its amazing and a lot of cutthroats swimming around there. Hyalite is a great little creek and has easy access. If your feeling up to it go hike Hyalite Peak like we did. Unreal!
I fished the Boulder River near Big Timber, about 35 miles east of Livingston. It reminded me of our streams in PA. It had tons of fish and the section I fished averaged 40-50 feet in width. I fished from the mouth of the Yellowstone up. It's a fairly close option since you can get there in under 30 minutes.
You'll be near 3 nice spring creeks. It costs, probably $100 a day, but it is something to be experienced. I was there last week and did well with PMDs on a rainy overcast day and size 20 soft hackle midges in the sun. Beautiful fish and it's not usually "crowded" this time of year.
Make the hike up to "the meadows" section of the west boulder river near big timber.You will never want to leave.
I spend the summer on the Yellowstone, close to Emigrant, which iis about the middle of Paradise Valley, south of Livingston. I have fished all of the places mentioned, and all are excellent.

You didn't say whether you are planning to use guides, or have access to boats, which would make a difference of where you might concentrate your time, in my opinion. The Yellowstone, being the biggest, does have access, which of course you will have if you are staying right on the river, but it is best fished from a boat. The same thing with the Madison, but there is more access there.

One river that was left out was the Shields, which enters the Yellowstone several miles east of Livingston. You've got to go way up above Wilsall to get real quality fishing this time of the year, but it has some of the nicest pure strain of Yellowstone Cutthroat of any river in the region, some of which are quite large.

The Boulder is one of my personal favorites in the entire area. I like to fish it above where the West Fork enters it, and if you hike a short distance from a bridge or access point, you can often have the entire place to yourself, and as already mentioned, lots of trout - I caught 3 brown trout there on dry flies earlier this summer in about 10 minutes without hardly moving. The smallest one measured 16".

Two other things you should be aware of right now: smoke and low water levels. Today was one of the smokiest days I've ever seen here from the numerous fires burning in the west. There are not any major fires close to us right now, and who knows, the wind direction might change and clear things out by the time you get here, or it could get worse - just be prepared to live with it when you get here. Also, the water temperatures are okay right now, and should be okay next week, but the rivers are very low for for this time of the year, and the fish have seen heavy fishing pressure for a couple months now and won't be easy to catch.

In any event, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.

Drive out Mill Creek 20-30 minutes beyond the campground for remote small stream action. Full of 8-12 inch Cutties. Good alternative in the event of blown out larger rivers.
mid August well-tough on big rivers-the better fishing for "nice Uns" will be dusk to dawn[sun off river]unless you get rainy day[pray for them- so good time to fish hoppers along the bank-if you want to day fish otherwise smaller trout and whitefish will be what's available.In a month-different world-two good heavy frosts was the go get em sign for locals.good luck.So smaller rivers with hay meadows good area to fish but if its been dry watch your step around rip rap-rattlers except in Bozeman area or up Gallatin-