little white moths



New member
Sep 16, 2011
a week ago I noticed a small white moth in my fying room. Now there are several i gathered my capes and put them in zipp lock bags. to hopefully curb an damage question is can I micro wave them to kill any larva that may have bin layed .
I am talking at least 40 capes
I need help !!
Moth balls and your freezer.

edit: While I apprechiate knowing exactly where to mail gifts to, your entire postal address is a bit specific for "location." may i suggest you choose Edit Account from the left side and just write "Lewisburg" in there. then go buy some moth balls.

Dont microwave your capes. You will cook the skin.

If your in a pinch and want the problem taken care of now. You can wash your capes. Simply fill a bucket or sink with hot water and in dawn dish soap and a couple of squirts of 409. Let them soak for several hours, then rinse them under cool water. GENTLY, ring them out and then blow dry them. Place the skins on newspaper and layer your skins. Then put something heavy like books on them to speed the process up. They should be completely dry within 2 days time. Dry and critter free.

Then ALWAYS keep them in zip lock bags and be sure to close them so you dont have critter problem again.

This is what i do with any natural materials that didnt come from a reputable company. Whiting, metz...ect.

Tight Ties
Johnny Utah.
I had good luck getting rid of an infestation a few years back using drug store boric acid powder. I just placed each cape in a ziplock, added the boric acid powder, and shook them up to mix the powder into the feathers. After a letting them sit for few weeks I shook the residual powder out of the capes and placed in fresh bags.
Mothballs work fine, I just don't like the smell.

Here is an interesting linkFly Tying Pests and at the bottom of the page there is a link to a site with pictures of the destructive little critters.
Thank You for the suggestion well noted
Sorry I am new hear
I visited out local ag extention office and thay gave me a pest strip to put in my containers no smell no resado