Little Sandy Creek Posted



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
Does anybody know about the road closure down to the pump house on Little Sandy Creek in Venango county? It was one of the main access areas for fishermen and for the stocking truck …apparently someone put a chain across the road leading down to it. I thought that area was public access?
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Does anybody know about the road closure down to the pump house on Little Sandy Creek in Venango county? It was one of the main access areas for fishermen and for the stocking truck …apparently someone put a chain across the road leading down to it. I thought that area was public access?
If I'm not mistaken, the state was in the process of shutting down the hospital in Polk. I recall reading that they were trying to relocate residents. I suspect closing the road is related to the closure of the facility. There had been residents living in a house behind the pump house at the end of the road IIRC. It might be worth shooting OCTU a message, but I suspect they are already aware (I hope).
I was surprised to see this my last few times up there
If the place is or in the process of closing, why would it matter if that road is open, as it has alway been?

When I was there earlier this year, I worked my way upstream to the spot, from the bridge crossing at Jakes hole
Some workers were cutting the grass there
I was hoping to talk to them about the situation, but never had a chance to catch them
Contact your state representative. This can and should be reversed. But OK, so this is what I was told by the security people. Somehow it has been judged by whoever that it's NOT public land anymore, even though... you know. Like anywhere, they have had some vandalism, BUT I used to walk my Springer there all the time. I didn't see any and I was the ONLY person I saw there besides employees. So that isn't a good excuse. THey hired this 'security' company to patrol the land. The guy told me he is supposed to give one warning, then call the Staties to do their dirty business after that. Now, there aren't any more residents there. THere never WAS a security squad patroling ANYTHING before, AND there are still staff people there besides. (Who's turing onl the lights, raising the flag? mowing the grass?) So it's MORE secure than ever, it still has property staff on site and there are NO residents to be concerned with. So exactly what is the plan? Why the restriction? What is the problem? It's safety-ism. BULL$#!T at its worst.
THis land now serves NO PURPOSE except having fields leased by a farmer for soybeans and corn. Let US have access to it like we always did.
So I wrote to Oil Creek Trout Unlimited President, Jennifer Lyons. Here's the response:

Hi Paul,

We are aware of that situation and others have reached out to our organization too. I know the Fish Commission is aware too. You could also reach out to County Commissioners and State Representative for additional information and guidance. I’m not sure of any projected timeframe of the situation or remedies at this time. I believe it has to do with the closure of Polk Center and under their property ownership.

I appreciate you reaching out and making us aware. Sorry I don’t have better information at this time.

Thank you,

I agree that it is political BS. I'm writing to the state reps and will do everything I can to get the road open. I cannot let this stand.
I went to Little Sandy today
The pump house road was not chained, but still has no trespassing signs.
So I walked up to that section from the route 62 bridge.
Saw no posted signs along the stream there.
Apparently, you can still fish it - I did.

Later on after I left, I ran into a guy from the area down by the route 62 bridge
And we discussed the situation
Was told that when Polk closed, kids were going back there, and using it for a party place.
Doing all kinds of crazy things back there.
And why the road got posted.

Just hearsay.
But yeah, a pretty logical explanation for the posting
Kids need to stay in their rooms and play video games. How dare they socialize!
Kids need to stay in their rooms and play video games. How dare they socialize!
You should open up your backyard as a venue.

Generally I agree, kids need places to go and do things.
But what is meant by partying and doing all kinds of crazy things? Because it can trash a property pretty quickly and even while doing illegal activities beyond the trashing.
Kids need to stay in their rooms and play video games. How dare they socialize!
... and make even more kids! :D
If every path leading to a rural party venue were to be chained, we'd quickly run out of chain.
Socializing is one thing, vandalizing, graffiti, ruining property, and trashing places, is something else entirely. "Socializing" is a bullshit excuse for much of what goes on at a lot of places!
But bro it's just stuff.
Socializing is one thing, vandalizing, graffiti, ruining property, and trashing places, is something else entirely. "Socializing" is a bullshit excuse for much of what goes on at a lot of places!
You seem to be holding back... ;)
I went to Little Sandy today
The pump house road was not chained, but still has no trespassing signs.
So I walked up to that section from the route 62 bridge.
Saw no posted signs along the stream there.
Apparently, you can still fish it - I did.

Later on after I left, I ran into a guy from the area down by the route 62 bridge
And we discussed the situation
Was told that when Polk closed, kids were going back there, and using it for a party place.
Doing all kinds of crazy things back there.
And why the road got posted.

Just hearsay.
But yeah, a pretty logical explanation for the posting
Last summer I fished up to the dam starting about an hour after sun up. When I finally reached the dam the previous night’s fire was still hot. Maybe abandoned a few hours before. It would have been best for the folks that started it to put some water on it when they left. Otherwise it seemed innocent. No beer cans or bottles left behind. I’m sure the results vary based on the crowd.
I'll help! My bit about "just stuff" was just satire.