Little Lehigh



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I have some business in Bethlehem next week and was thinking of fishing the Little Lehigh. I was hoping to fish outside of the Heritage section and to cast over some stream bred trout. Can any of you give me some direction as to access and non-posted areas? If other streams in the area might also be productive please let me know. PMs are invited so I do not cause any spot-burns.
There are stream bred trout anywhere you fish the LL,so above or below the Heritage section would be good.The stream is low and clear so bring light tippet and SMALL flies,early morning for Trico and after 9 AM fish wet.
The Monacacy is in Bethlehem and is another stream with natives thru out.
there are no trout in the Monocacy ;)
Was there this morning below the heritage section. Many fish and many tricos. Caught many browns as well as 2 bonus rainbows. Most of the trico action was done by 10:30 am although you could have tricked a few on a #22 cinnamon ant. I had to be home by noon.
Or you can park at Fish Hatchery Rd. at the top of the Heritage Section and fish up from there. If you go the early morning is best right now, but evenings after 7 pm are also good. Blue Winged Olives will be hatching #20 and there will be a spinner fall at dusk. There will also be Light Cahills hatching at dusk. There may be a few Slate Drakes hatching as well. Maybe some hexes.
Thanks for all the tips.