Little Lehigh or Valley Creek



Mar 28, 2009
I have the chance to sneak away for a bit tomorrow and fish. I know that it is going to be freeeeeeezing, but this is one of the few chances I am able to get out in the winter.

I basically have a choice to make. Fish valley or the little lehigh. I know that I can probably grab a few stockers on the LL with sucker spawn and what have you, but I really have no experience fishing either of these in the winter so I do not know what to expect. The only time I have fished in winter was once on Valley after a rain and did great with a woolly bugger. But the stream is a lot lower now and I did not know how it fished in the winter.

Thanks for some direction on where to head. I have fished both in the spring/summer/fall......just never winter.
Both streams offer excellent fishing opportunities and are far more productive then many of the other streams in the area this time of year. Too, this time of the year it's much more likely you'll have quite a bit of water to yourself on both.

All things considered however I've found the LL to be far more crowded overall than Valley no matter the time of season and the trout there are likely pressured more so than Valley's trout all seasons considered.

But pressure or no pressure Valley's trout are an educated bunch and don't fall easy to offerings overhead or below. These fish are a challenge, but can be caught and caught in numbers if you stick to the basics:

> dress to blend with the surroundings, keep low where and when possible, or back far enough such that the fish you may be casting over are less likely to see you, and do the best you can in presenting your flies and prevent drag.

I've had great days, good days, sub par days and absolutely miserable days on Valley, and its actually the stream where I learned to fly fishing (yes, I was crazy enough to go there rather than a stocked stream and failed miserably for the first few years ), but I've really come to appreciate Valley through the years.

So I'd say Valley, and yes, I'll admit that there is some partiality in that statement. It's not to say I don't like the LL, and I have had some good days there too, but its not Valley Creek.

Up to you though in the end. So wherever you go, I hope you have a great outing and I'd hope to hear how you did.

There are couple of places on the stream I could recommend, and if you are interested just PM me.
