Little Lehigh or Monocacy??



Well-known member
May 9, 2011
Heading out to NY this weekend but will be staying the night in the Allentown/Bethlehem area tomorrow. If all goes well I hope to get in a little fishing tomorrow afternoon/evening and MAYBE even squeeze in an hour or so of fishing early Sunday morning.

If time allows I hope to fish both, but if I can only do one does anyone recommend one over the other?? I prefer wild fish but stockies will do, and I'm not looking for any crazy detailed stream descriptions or secrets.....just wanna get a little fishing in and check out some new water while I'm there. Thanks a bunch!
Come up to the Po. It is only 30 minutes North. Depending on the times I may be able to meet up and show you around. I will be inundated with kids baseball from about 11am to 6ish. Shoot me a pm if interested.
I considered the Po but figured I'd be better off hitting the LL or Monocacy since they're right there. May have to take you up on that offer though........depends on how much time I have. I appreciate it. Likely won't know until I get there but I wouldn't mind driving that extra distance if the Po would be the better option. If I can swing it I'll shoot you a pm tomorrow sometime if that's ok. Like I said it'll be a gametime decision.
Never fished Monocacy but the Little Lehigh, especially around the park and overpass, is gorgeous. Definitely worth the trip if you're "right there."
The Po has been on my list of semi local streams to check out for a while
Ended up hitting the Little Lehigh for a little bit last Saturday afternoon.

Didn't fish all that long. It was very hot and sunny. Started at the FFO and managed one decent rainbow right away(I'm assuming it escaped the hatchery at a younger age or was a pretty good looking fish) and played around with a few rising browns for a while with only one rejection to show. Man that place was a freakin' zoo. Walked up to that pool at the hatchery and it looked like opening day haha.

Briefly checked out a spot farther upstream a ways. Hooked into a regular stockie rainbow and made a long distance release with a dink.

Couldn't squeeze in the Monocacy Sunday morning.
There are wild rainbows in the LL. Anytime you catch fish there during the afternoon is a goos day. There's a lot of anglers that fish that section.