Little J in late April early May



New member
Dec 9, 2012
Heading to the J next week and wondered what the recommends would be as to "must have" offerings to tempt the brown trout?
I plan on swinging wet-flus, some nymphing, and hopefully a sulphur hatch?

Any thoughts would be appreciated,
The LJ is way behind in it's hatches due to the two recent high water events and the unseasonably cold evenings and day time temperatures. As of this past Monday the Grannom had not started yet and the water level was unfishable. I think it is unrealistic to expect a sulfur hatch considering the Hendrickson has not started yet.
Fished it this weekend, grannoms were in the air but not much action, there were some fish rising last night, but still a little high and fast to get a good drift. Headed back tonight.

You may do well this early through the middle of the week, but Thursday they are forecasting more rain which may blow it out again.
I just spent the last 3 days on the little j.
The grannom hatch is/was in full swing, and probably just about over IMO.
But very few fish rising to them because of the still rather high flows, and cold water temps - I read 49 degree at the quarry this afternoon around 2 pm.
As for the sulphers - i wouldn't expect to see them anytime soon
I think the prior posts all imply that the Hendrickson hatches may fish well for you in this time period.

Water needs to warm up by a couple degrees.
thanks guys for the helpful reply/posts.....can't wait to be on the J again in springtime!
There are very few Hendricksons on the Little J.

No need to buy or tie those for the Little J.

Tan caddis, #16, will probably be on.

troutbert wrote:
There are very few Hendricksons on the Little J.

No need to buy or tie those for the Little J.

Tan caddis, #16, will probably be on.


Thanks for providing some correction. While the Little J is on my to-fish list, I have never actually fished it. I spent time on the Big J in the few years of my life that I lived in Lewistown, but I digress.

Why do you think it is that there is not much of a Hendrickson hatch? I had assumed (incorrectly) that the Little J would be a lot like Penn's Creek with regard to Hendricksons.

Just curious.

the number of hendricksons continue to increase each year. Reliable sources report multiple fishable hatches last year.
hopefully the numbers will continue to increase. They require higher water quality and the increases over the last three years is a good sign. Green drakes are also making a weak come back.
Luke wrote:
troutbert wrote:
There are very few Hendricksons on the Little J.

No need to buy or tie those for the Little J.

Tan caddis, #16, will probably be on.


Thanks for providing some correction. While the Little J is on my to-fish list, I have never actually fished it. I spent time on the Big J in the few years of my life that I lived in Lewistown, but I digress.

Why do you think it is that there is not much of a Hendrickson hatch? I had assumed (incorrectly) that the Little J would be a lot like Penn's Creek with regard to Hendricksons.


Bill Anderson has reported seeing some Hendricksons on the Little J, so that's a good sign. Hopefully their numbers will increase in coming years.

Spring Creek has no Hendricksons at all, so far as I know. I don't think Kish Creek does either.

While Fishing Cr and Penns Cr do have Hendricksons in decent numbers, and are probably just somewhat cleaner, less polluted streams than the Little J, Spring Cr and Kish Cr.

The Little J originates in downtown Altoona and it runs through Tyrone and there are various industries in the watershed.

Spring Creek's watershed also has a lot of urbanization.

Kish Creek has very intensive agricultural use in its upper reaches.

Fishing and Penns Creek's watersheds are less developed.

troutbert wrote:
There are very few Hendricksons on the Little J.

No need to buy or tie those for the Little J.

I would consider this to be a bit inaccurate. I successfully fished hedricksons a couple of days last year.
csoult wrote:
troutbert wrote:
There are very few Hendricksons on the Little J.

No need to buy or tie those for the Little J.

I would consider this to be a bit inaccurate. I successfully fished hedricksons a couple of days last year.

How heavy was the Hendrickson hatch?

I know that can be hard to describe or compare, but heavy, medium, light?

Dozens of Hendricksons? Hundreds? Thousands?
and i would add that the green drakes aren't very weak in the lower section below spruce creek. In no way is it Penns but I had a fishable hatch at the end of last May for 2 days.
tyeager: agreed, not very weak. last year was a banner year for GDs on the lower LJ, but they have been up and down. This year will be important to determine how much of a foothold they have made. It is also strange that they seem to stop at Spruce creek. All eyes were out last year for GDs upstream and will be again this year.
Likewise, the number of golden stones on the lower river appear to be on an upward trend.
The reduction in phosphorous from the Altoona water treatment plant is expected to do wonders for the stream and we can expect an increase in hatches. If only tyrone WTP would get into compliance. Macro surveys in the upper river are ongoing and before and after phosphorous reduction will be compared.
troutbert wrote:
How heavy was the Hendrickson hatch?

I know that can be hard to describe or compare, but heavy, medium, light?

Dozens of Hendricksons? Hundreds? Thousands?

Lets call it a fishable hatch, so light to medium.
csoult wrote:
troutbert wrote:
How heavy was the Hendrickson hatch?

I know that can be hard to describe or compare, but heavy, medium, light?

Dozens of Hendricksons? Hundreds? Thousands?

Lets call it a fishable hatch, so light to medium.

That's great news. It's a good indication of recovery.
I've also been catching some fish on hendricksons there the last couple years.
Not a heavy hatch for sure.
But enough that the fish are aware of, and look for them