Little "Drum"er Boy



Jun 17, 2009
Just got in from a very interesting afternoon of fishing. By buddy Bob and I were itching to get some carping in today. The water had finally dropped and the sun was out so site fishing was on today! We began the day very hopeful of bringing some large carp to hand. We both had plenty of shots, but for some reason they were just not in an eating mood at all.... Luckily, the Drum were on the warpath and saved the day!!! I have caught multiple drum, but nothing really of any size to get excited about. All three of these weighed in between 5-6 lbs. and were all caught on a pink "Carp-It-Muncher". I know... probably not going to set any tippet class records, but were definitely larger than the average creek sized drum that we see.

Needless to say, I went home smiling today... but then again, I spent a beautiful day fishing with a friend so what is not to smile about! :) We did manage to catch some cool video of it... I still need to put it all together and will post it on my blog when I get it done.

Totally looking forward to heading down to Carolina and getting some casts in the surf!!!!!!!


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Neat pics (and catchy title too :) )!
Freshwater drum on a fly - not something you see or hear about every day.
good stuff. I fished a trib to the Mon with my Dad last year and landed a drum on a brown bugger. Nothing like the real stuff though. Live crawfish took close to a dozen between the two of us.
Good stuff I wish they had them around my way:-( So I could catch one it looks like fun .
Fredrick... Definitely Fun! They don't make really long runs like the carp or even larger cats do, but they bulldog around pretty well. I assumed they were in most warm water rivers through the NE... where are you?
I live in Delaware county and never heard of them anywhere near here
Most of us guys back east have never seen one. Here's what the PFBC says in the link below:

"In Pennsylvania, the freshwater drum occurs in Lake Erie, and in the Allegheny, Ohio and Monongahela rivers."
Yep, no drum around here. Lots of them down in texas, where I did most of my fishing early in life.

They're regarded much lower than catfish there. We did lots of drifting for cats, and whenever I caught a "dang ol dreeemmm", my grandfather and his friends got pretty annoyed. I think, for old guys in texas, food quality of fish seems to be most important. Needless to say, I didn't care much.

That is pretty funny. I guess I used to think that way a bit, but these days I am all for any fish that is willing to chase a fly!!!