little conneautee???



New member
Jun 16, 2012
I'm just getting into fly fishing in earnest. Slam eggs for steelhead in erie, but am trying to learn the subtleties of the sport. Did a lot of traveling and prospecting in ANF this summer. I also hit Penns in late june.

So I have the fever.

My question is about a local stream in erie and crawford counties--I don't understand it. It's supposed to hold native brook and wild brown trout. I've hiked a lot of the creek, but I can't figure it out--seems like a free stone in places, but in other place it wide open with a silty bottom; and even outside the canopy, springs keep it cool. I took the temperature in a meadow section yesterday and it was 62.

Local sages tell stories about big fish there, but I never see anyone fishing it.

Any insight would help.

Send a PM if it is a good one and you fear the burn.

It's the Little Conneauttee.

I don't know anything of the stream itself. There are some weird stuff that goes on in that general area, though I didn't think it went that far west, thought it was mostly over towards Corry. Basically, you can get some similar effects of limestoners due to glacial till, which is basically a large area of sediment which is pushed ahead of glaciers, and deposited at it's furthest advance. So one of the glaciers stopped there.

Don't know if that's what's going on there or not. Seeing people fishing a stream is not a reliable way to tell whether it's worthwhile, in fact, most of my favorites I've never seen a sole on. It could be a dud too, though.

Fish it and find out!
My thick-headed (and thick necked) buddies from Ft. LeBoef and Waterford have fished that stream in the fall & say it's so-so. Better trout fishing close to the 'Boro this time of year may be Oil Creek/Tionesta, but u prob'ly knew that.
Thanks for the info, i"ll get out there and fish it and see what happens.

