lititz run



Sep 18, 2006
Looking to try a new place this weekend and was thinking of heading over to lititz but i have heard "mixed reviews".
does anyone here fish that stream often and if so any fly suggestions to tie up friday night?
BTW, if anyone is thinking of fishing codorus this weekend its been damn good this past week with scuds and sulphur nymphs

wow you can check my stream report for lititz run. the catch and release area is where youll have to go. try green and white buggers. san jaun worms. nymphs(hares ear,prince and pheasent tail)take BWO size 16-20 and sulphurs.
also midges! midges out the butt. black, cream, grey and olive. in the catch and release it is mainly black. i suggest if you havent read the stream report for the C&R area. i tried to give some tips for this stream. it is really tough fishing for those big old fish. they beat us alot more than we win. so i hope my suggestions help ya. there are small rainbows in there. they should be easy. the stream really doesnt have a good hatch except for midges and pellets :-D
Look in the Stream Reports forum. Some poster pretending to be salvelinusfontinalus posted a whole bunch of information about it. Apparently there are some very well-fed hatchery fish in there, but you have to pay to fish it. Kinda like Spring Ridge Club, I guess.
pretending to be me? he can fish the catch and release area where i was at today. you got a prob with me jack?
the c&r area is free for all to enjoy and is a much larger section with more big fish. it isnt like the SRC. any joe shmoe can afford to buy a badge. i cant afford the SRC nor would i want too.
Besides the cost, what exactly is the difference? You aren't jealous of people who can afford a more expensive permit, are you? But I was mistaken, so I must apologize for thinking that the stream report was made by someone other than you and in forgetting that if someone can't afford the $20, they can always fish the free section, catch-and-release only, of course.

I don't know if I "have a problem with you." You may be a decent guy. But I find an inconsistent attitude expressed in the stream report from the one I spent all day arguing with yesterday. The guy I argued with yesterday was a wild trout enthusiast who cared about the fish and the fishery more than his own personal fishing experience. :-?
jack yes i am a wild trout guy. but i also like fishing over heavily pressured holdover trout. they are an excellent game that makes you think. those brookies will hit anything. its not inconsistant. i only wild trout fish and fish special reg waters like letort, falling spring.....lititz run and many others. i love spring creeks and limestone waters. i said i dont fish approved trout waters that much they suck because people keep all the fish in the first 2 weeks and the first week after 2nd stocking. there is not inconsistancy in my fishing. i like catching stockers.....but i love catching wild and holdover trout....BIG DIFFERENCE :-D
Ok, didnt mean to stir s_ _ t up but thanks for the recommendations.
Sal, you mentioned F.S. and letort. How do u rate lititz compared to them? Does it have any faster water (read that "easier water") or is it more like the mostly flat water of letort

Anyways, thanks guys
well i rate letort a 9 and falling spring a 10. i love those stream and the vegatation and most of all the large wild fish. i give lititz run a 6. it has not much vegatation inthe C&R area. dont get me wrong it has some but no way like the other 2. also the wild fish are hard to come by. you will catch a few 6-8 inch rainbows. but youll catch 2 in a 5 mile strech of stream. from it getting polluted, nitrate levels and poor food supply the wild fish wont flourish. now maybe someday they will eventually.
also because letort and falling spring have trout that are not pellet fed and eat natural surrounding baits it rates higher. those are just a few reasons in a long list of many.
dont go here expecting a stream like those!
but what lititz run does have going for it, where else here in lancaster county can you catch a nice and big holdover trout? donegal maybe. but one thing for sure lititz has alot more big fish and alot more old fish. they will make you think and frustrate you all day. i like the fact i have somewhere to go that i can catch a trophy trout within 20 minutes from my house.
it does have alot of riffles and currents. there are some classic dry fly pools....but more riffley pools.
also.......god bless donegal tu for the job they did restoring a stream that had a total biological kill. TWICE mind you. not much food but it holds trout year round. and with that said ....god bless C&R on this stream! :cool:

p.s almost forgot. guys from DTU tell me that cress bugs are good producers on this stream. i have yet to try them here.
I didnt buy a badge and am not a member but I did get to meet Lynn and her father who is the man that started Wohlsen Construction Company. Besides the difference of $20.00 to $5000.00 (plus the interest off your $90,000.00 deposit) the differences are quite a few. Millport took a stream that was wiped out twice and are trying to help re-establish trout populations in it and have bird watching and nature trails. They arent an outfitter at all. They dont make a living from it, and from what I could see, dont really need the money, even if they sell all 500 badges. And I'm very sure TU isn't in it so Lynn and her father can make a few extra bucks.
SRC on the other hand took cherished waters with trout populations already existing that were fished for generations BY family generations. SRC IS doing it to make some money. They are an outfitter. And I'm sure when Mr Beiver went to the landowners he made sure to let them now there would be some money in it for them.
And then he goes to the press and says...."Its for the kids".
I dont see much of a comparison.
I wasn't focused on the motivations of the landowner in making my comparison, just on the experience of the angler.
well in my experince the holdover fish are pretty close to wild.
lynn is such a nice person. they didnt do it to make a buck that is for sure and the conservancy is for the geese, deer and any wildlife that comes in. im sure they apperciated the stream restoration which is why they opened it up. i belive they require a badge so that people arent leaving trash around the stream. just conservation minded TU members.