Listen to the people catching fish



Active member
Jan 9, 2021
This past week I had a Glimpse of the Blindingly Obvious: Listen to what the people catching fish tell you. Although I've had my fly rod for almost one year, I am still a rank amateur, which would be obvious to anyone who has seen me use it.

I've been to my local creek twice this past week, fly rod in hand, and had the place to myself except for one other person each time, both of whom were much more experienced anglers. Both times I was severely outfished, about 20-0 one time and 12-1 the second.

Each of these gents were very friendly, offering me advice on what they were using - one even gave me two flies that were working for him - showing me how they had them rigged, why they were fishing them the way they were, etc. I've noted before that I am amazed at how friendly fly anglers can be sometimes, and I continue to be amazed.

Now I did not instantly improve my success ratio but I certainly did improve my knowledge base for future forays. The only downside is I will need to purchase a few more flies, in much smaller sizes than I currently have. But that's what was working for both of the guys I ran into and I can't argue with success.

Now if I could just see to tie on those tiny little flies.....
Seems like you found one of your a ha moments in the sport. Many more to come and some questions that often get even more perplexing as time goes on.

Very good advice to yourself to listening to others. It's a difficult sport to master all on your own. A good mentor is helpful as well. I had two friends help me get started, Ron Kohlman and Greg Sipos. They were both school teachers and had a lot of patience with me, but I listened.
Some of the best times I had were after we were fishing talking about the day or evening

This is something I still do today and my favorite part of the sport. Nothing beats after the suns sets, grabbing a beer and talking about the one you got or even missed.

Enjoy the journey.