Lines on the Water



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I most highly urge you to read "Lines on the Water" by David Adams Richards. First published in Canada in 1998, it has been republished in 2012 in the USA. It is not a how-to manual; it is a nice story of Adams' journey as a salmon fly-fisherman, which I did not think would really appeal to me. But, it did. His growth as a salmon fisherman parallels the growth of many trout fishermen. Those he meets along the way, both good and bad characters, add greatly to the book. Unlike many of today's so-called fishing writers who try to slap their readers with their personal angsts, Adams concentrates on the fishing, only subtly weaving in various elements from his and others' lives. It is actually primarily a fishing book about fishing and fishermen! It is the first book I have found in a long time that I want to re-read, as many of us do with "The Vanishing Trout," "The Earth Is Enough," "A River Runs Through It," and a few others. Though it contains some egregious grammatical errors, esp. involving the use of the various forms of "lie" and "lay," the book is truly nicely done and makes nice reading.
I noticed it in a store for $29.95, but my wife found it online for less than half that. Unlike other recent so-called fly-fishing books I have bought, I will put my name in the one and keep it. I think those of you who like to read would do the same. I HIGHLY recommend this one.