Line Repair??



New member
Apr 8, 2009
Somehow I have managed to get a kink in my almost new Weight forward line. :-x!! Not real sure how I managed to pull that off (maybe it was when I hooked up and the line had managed to get wrapped around the reel). Anyway, the how doesn't reallly matter. My dilemma is that I just got this line a couple of monthes ago and have only fished it about five times so I would like to repair it if possible. the kink in it is bad enough that it's taxing my feeble newbie casting skills........LOL! And I was wondering if there was a way to just straighten it out with something or if I need to bite the bullet and get a new one? Will it damage it worse if I try and force it straight. Just curious if I'm the only one to pull off something like this....LOL. Any help would be much appreciated!!!!
Depending on the brand, they might do a repair/replacement for you. Contact the manufacturer.
If it's just a kink in your line and not a tear of any type I would say try and stretch it. It's commonplace for saltwater fisherman to do if they're throwing a lot of line. I do it to my trout lines every now and again to help decrease memory.

Easiest way to do it, or how I do it anyhow, is to get a length of line just shorter than your wing span. Hold onto it at both ends and pull. You can give it a decent yank without having to worry but don't go incredible hulk style on it or you may end up with pieces. Fly lines will stretch about 25% by design.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "kink?" I've never seen a line kink except if the line/coating was actually cut, then the line would definitely kink or bend.

More than likely there are two problems contributing to your line issue - (1) if you keep your line on the reel it will memory coil and (2) since you claim you are a newbie, the line itself can be twisted from casting.

To remove coils simply stretch your line. I generally tie on a 30lb piece of mono, tie it to a tree and literally stretch the entire 30 yards of line.

To remove twists, the easiest way is to go to your local river, remove the leader and let out almost all the line and let it float in the downstream current for about 5 minutes or so. The current will untwist the line.