Line Question



New member
Jan 9, 2018
Recently I picked up a new (to me) reel for my 8wt fly rod that I use primarily for steelhead fishing. The reel came with chucker line on it which from what I was able to gather is a type of spey line? My question is, would it be worth even trying this line out or should I just get some wff line for it? Part of me thinks it would be helpful with casting long distances with an indicator and split shot at the end. Just looking for opinions and/or person experience with similar set ups. It also came with a sink leader, any benefit to that or should I just throw it aside? Thanks!
Chuckers are for roll casting heavy terminal tackle. The extra weight helps load the rod on roll casting. It will over bend your rod on aerial overhead casts. They are similar to but not exactly like skagit lines.
Works better with longer switch rods and 2-handed casting. i think it would be tiring work with rods under 10 ft.
The sinking leader is beneficial rollcasting and swinging down and across.