Limestone Summer



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
A few images from a couple of dawn hours on a small spring creek. My favorite time to bring up some nice fish on terrestrials. Crickets are the ticket!





Just amazing photos! My favorites are the one's with the trout in the net.
Very unique fungi (I assume ) in one pic. Can anyone ID it?
Best photographer on this site
Great photos! What camera are you using?
very nice and calming.
Thanks - I really enjoy trying to capture the feeling of a place and just sharing the other things you run into on a stream besides the fish. These were actually taken with an iPhone. I do break out the SLR sometimes, but this was a quick morning trip with a pocket of flies and not much else.
Klingy: I am going on record and letting you know that based on your photos, I'm a little concerned for your safety. That stream looks way too aggressive to be fishing alone and some of that flora and fauna might even be known to cause a serious allergic reaction in so many as 1 in 750,000+ adults.

Please - for your own safety - reach out to me before the next time you fish this stream. I'll pack a first aid kit and tag along. Just for safety.
Thanks - I really enjoy trying to capture the feeling of a place and just sharing the other things you run into on a stream besides the fish. These were actually taken with an iPhone. I do break out the SLR sometimes, but this was a quick morning trip with a pocket of flies and not much else.
Would love it if you could share a few tips on producing such quality photos with an iPhone. Are you using an editing app or just the editing features in the photo app on your phone?
Would love it if you could share a few tips on producing such quality photos with an iPhone. Are you using an editing app or just the editing features in the photo app on your phone?
I don’t use any editing apps. I will touch up exposure sometimes, but I think the biggest thing I try to do is compose the picture while taking it so that it doesn’t need a lot of editing on the back end. Just some simple stuff like the “rule of thirds” and looking for a good light angle help. Also considering what’s in the background. I’ve recently tried keep my hands out of pictures as well. Nobody wants to see me!

I think just paying attention to your surroundings is the biggest thing for me. I’ll be fishing and see something I think would make a cool shot, so I’ll try it. If it sucks, no big deal - it’s all digital.