limestone streams and love of trout

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
I have been exploring limestone spring creeks now the past few weeks and i cant tell you how much i love these streams. the stream i visited today was very high gradient for a limestone spring creek. it had alot of rapids. but thats ok the rainbows loved them :) the scud/cress bug tandem slaughtered them today. i saw a deer run through the stream also. unfortunatly i didnt have my camera ready and also he ran the way i was fishing :( still a sight to see :)
....i dont want to name this stream so if you recognize it please keep the name out of your posts. just wanted to share some of the beautiful pics of the water and the trout i caught today. enjoy!

wild bow1

the stream1

wild bow2

biggest of the day

wild bow 3

the stream2

wild bow4

mmmmmmmmm weeds in the water ;)


gotta love the look of a limestone spring creek

i loved this little stream

the next pic had this in the water






calm dryfly pool...see the rise in the backgound?

god bless limestonestreams :)


saved the best for last...this was my favorite pic of the stream!

Love it, love it, love it. hehe :lol:
Glad you had fun. Those little wild bows are just so purdy.
ty matt i did have a blast! someday ill return to that stream. i had to open the old thread to see where you gave out access and directions. again ty! i would have never thought or found where to properly park without that.

i find it funny though. the habitat was so nice up by the headwaters through the woods...but not many fish. down through the less desireable water.....TONS of fish. odd

you are right it was tough fishing as u predicted...but i still gottem :-D that one bow was maybe 14- 15 inches and gave me one heck of a fight.

thanks again for all your help and advice.......i had a very enjoyable day! :-D
Give her a try next spring. A little more water goes along way. They get tucked up under those weeds when the waters low and it can be tough to get em to come out.