Lil Lehi Trico Outing for 2016?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
I was talking to Dave@Heritage Fly Shop on the Lil Lehi and he inquired if this fine event was taking place this year. I recall Ed/Heritage Angler was instrumental in the past, and he has been laying low for quite a few months. I heard he had a leg infection that slowed him down. Hope he's getting better.
Hi Les,

Yeah, had an infection in my foot, and got it lightened up by two toes. Not fun. All healed up now, but working a lot - gotta pay for a pile of medical bills.

Just an FYI - anyone can organize an event like the Trico Jam. Really easy to do, actually. Just pick a date that you're sure YOU can make, as the organizer needs to be there to ensure things go off without a hitch. Also gotta make sure the location you choose is available for a gathering, and there's no conflicts or limitations that you're not able to work around. The great members here make everything else easy.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time/vacation days available to commit to organizing anything this year, as my little "un-planned" vacation wiped things out. Not many things worse than seeing your fishing time get sucked up for getting healthy again, but this too shall pass.

In true Philly sports fan tradition, there's always "Next year". I WILL be all over this once I get my 2017 vacation days at the beginning of the year. I have absolutely no sense of "ownership" of the events I've run in the past - just want to see the good people here have an opportunity to gather and have some fun.

Fondest regards for all my PAFF friends.....

Ed, maybe you can take a small amount of your time to mentor someone along who can step into your shoes this year. Just a thought.

Hope your recovery goes well. Can we call you "Three-toes?"
Ed, glad you're feeling better, and good luck with the bills.
The outing is fine but you have to work on it and make worth the time,
get better fast, do the tricos, J
Keep at it ,Ed.Remember when you plan your 2017 vacay to include me in for a few day.Miss fishing with you,bud