Like Father Like son ( my son tying)



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Well I have been teaching my boy to tie for a little while now. He is four. Since last year and up until about 2 weeks ago I have always held his hand while he is holding the tools and such. I picked him up a regal Travle vise. I let him choose all of the materials and such that he ties with, and have mostly just helped him with the motions.

Roughly 2 weeks ago I started only coaching him on things, and he is holding the tools and such on his own. Now I may have to hold his hand and tool if he needs to go back over or lock something in better but I would say he is now tying 85% on his own.

This is a blast and he loves it. It gives us some one on one time that he doesn't get as much now that he has twin 2 year old sisters. LOL

I was tying up some nymphs, and he and his mom came home from visiting his grandmother. He told me he wanted to tie so I put vise and such away. He told me "Daddy I want to tie a big fly!" So I got out a size 4 streamer hook and he did kind of a bass sized bugger with some saddle hackle tail. I thought that would be good then he said, "NO DADDY! I want to tie one of the ones that have the really really big hook, and the fishy head."

So we went at it. He watches monster fish and told me that he wanted it to be red like an injured fish, like how thy Pyara like to eat. LOL

So we went to town, and came up with this one. Now I had to hold his hand when locking in the deer hair and such, but he tied in the feathers, and the chenille and such.

This is my favorite thing about tying now. He is going to be one heck of a tyer some day. The last picture is of his bugger, and my musky fly. LOL

Forgot to mention when we went to put the head on I used Krazy glue. He dropped the head and when he went to pick it up the glue and the dye on the buck tail must have reacted as it started some chemical reation and was smoldering.

The thing then shot something right at me and hit me in the eye. I hollered and ran to the bathroom to flush my eye out.

Corbin looks at me and says, "Im naming this one the fire punch, because my fly punched you in the eye dad."

LOL go figure.


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