light action rod tips



Jun 27, 2009
Ok so that bamboo rod that I bought came with two tip sections. The one (which I prefer) is a little stiff however the other is very flexible and is about six inches longer. When I cast the more flexible tip, it springs the line forward and creates a lot of slack in the airborne line, usually resulting in a massive trailing loop.

I do not see any benefit to this tip and I was puzzled that it would preform in this way. I also concluded that I must be doing something wrong, however I seldom cast a trailing loop with other, stiffer rods.

Do you guys have the answer to that and are there any tips that would make casting this tip more productive?
The longer tip is probably the original one and since it is longer, is most likely slower. The shorter tip may also be original but broke at some point. You'll need to slow down and listen to the rod. Whenever I offer bamboo to newer users, I try to give them a slower action just for this reason. I tell them to stop at the end the back cast and wait until they can actually feel the rod load. Then go with the forward cast. Sounds kind of dumb but try it. Good Luck!

I understand what you are saying but there is no sign that it was ever broken. I was told when I bought it that the different tips could change the wt of the rod. (these were his words) Also the problem does not occur on the back cast but when the rod is thrust forward, the tip falls behind the rest of the rod during the cast but when the rest of the rod stops, the tip continues. This causes the slack in the line. Now I also tried a lighter cast but then there is the problem where not enough power can be put into the rod to move the line along its destination
My guess is that you're expecting 'boo to perform like graphite. Like rolf said, listen to the rod. You could drink a beer waiting for those things to load, and you certainly don't want to rush or over power your stroke. You're simply not going to cast it as far as you would a graphite rod, and trying is just going to end in frustration.
I think the sign of it being repaired is one tip is 6" shorter.

These guys are right, you're overpowering your stroke. Slow it down and give the rod time to load and unload. It's all about a smooth application of power, you're just waving a stick... The stick throws the line.
Yea I guess u guys r right. I probably just have to practice to get the feel with that tip