Letort survey pics



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
The pics are nice, but the data are often not published online much anymore and this is unfortunate.
Fake news. I've never caught any that big there. :)
in the 70's those big ones were average there. and there were alot
Led zeppelin was also touring....
The avg fish caught there now is probably 7 inches at best.
What do you all think caused the drop in size and/or numbers of trout in the Letort?
troutbert wrote:
What do you all think caused the drop in size and/or numbers of trout in the Letort?

This hasn't happened.

Survey results show that there are more big trout in Letort now than back in the 1970s/80s (despite what one often hears from anecdotal reports from anglers). What has happened is the big fish are now more common in the lower stream, where trout were not present before 1981 (this is north of Carlisle). However, there are still big fish in the upper FFO as these pics verify. They aren't seen or caught often, but they're there.You can see them in daytime during spawning season when they emerge out from under cover.

The stream does have challenges, as it always has. CVTU is concerned with a shallowing out and some sedimentation in the FFO that has filled in some of the better pools and holding water up around Bonneybrook. Plans are in the works for some stream enhancement projects in the upper FFO to address some of these concerns.

The Letort isn't dead and there are lots of big fish in the entire length.

The Letort was supplemented in some sections above the Turnpike bridge with brown trout fingerlings from the mid/late 80s the whole way up until the year 2000 which I'm sure helped boost the pop.
(Something I wouldn't mind seeing happen again until we start seeing a higher percentage of spawners)