Letort fish kill

Is there still bridge construction going on where the creek enters the barracks?
Some CVTU folks are also out investigating this today. As I hear more, I'll post it.

Let's wait for further information before we jump to conclusions.
First a weed kill, and now a fish kill. Unbelievable.
I did see some videos on social media. Many fish dead, many large fish as well. From what I’ve heard the kill starts at the barracks the whole way down to the mouth.
The news is absolutely sickening. I spent a good portion of my life fishing that stream-especially that stretch. Pre 9/11, you could virtually come and go on the Barracks. I caught a lot of fish there including some large ones. The meadow up from the Post Rd bridge was awesome when sulphurs were hatching, and almost as awesome for terrestrial fishing once the grass got high. I used to live 5 mins from there and barely paid any attention to the Heritage section because the fishing was just so much better elsewhere on the stream. I will be really curious to see what comes of the investigation.
Effing shame. I'm confident that some very large browns were lost to this incident.
The positive note about this is that high quality limestoners like this tend to bounce back in a hurry.
It doesn’t appear to be as bad as initially stated. Some people I know were down by sports emporium and harmony hall. Fish were rising and doing normal stuff. One being a big fish. So it appears it didn’t affect as far downstream as we thought. As of now I don’t think we have a direct cause but if you don’t fish the stream there’s been new sewer piping going in along the whole creek. Not sure if that’s the issue or not, but the letort has been tore up all over. As jifigz said it should bounce back fast.
8/5 - I see Penn Live is reporting water users near the Carlisle Barracks to not use any water due to high gas levels. mmmm...
Tell it to the idiot who posted in the Pennlive comments section that the whole thing is a hoax meant to disparage the President. You have to wonder what is in the water on the Barracks since it is closed loop and not shared with local residents? While precautionary, the Barracks doesn't even want people using the water to wash their hands. Complete ban on water until further notice.
Wild_Trouter wrote:
Tell it to the idiot who posted in the Pennlive comments section that the whole thing is a hoax meant to disparage the President.

The internet is an amazing "place", a cornucopia of information and great way to communicate information and keep up with friends and family. However, it also opens a wide audience to people who, in the past, would have been "the town fools", the exceptions, not the rule.

Back to the OP topic, the withholding if information does seem a bit sinister.
Fly-Swatter wrote:
Back to the OP topic, the withholding if information does seem a bit sinister.
It sure does! Lack of details always makes you wonder what the truth is.
I'd reiterate my earlier suggestion that we wait for information to come out.

Sometimes these sorts of investigations can take some time and agencies and media are - rightly - concerned not to put out bad information.
I think they said the DCNR should have the rest results back around 11 this morning. It is strange that they are asking for people not to flush toilets or run any water at all. It'll be interesting to see what the report says.
I'm not buying it:

There is bridge construction over the Letort on 74 just above where the old Cold Spring Anglers was located.

I'm sure DEP has already investigated that scene. I just thought it notable after reading of the fish kill.
Wild_Trouter wrote:
I'm not buying it:


I would like to see the testing you employed or the data you received from experts that refute this finding.

Just what is in the commander's pedigree that suggests she is less then honorable and willing to risk the health of those under her command and the surrounding civil population by peddling false or misleading information.

Military bases are under more environmental scrutiny by more agencies and unattached civil ambassadors of the environment than any other and all other entities combined. To suggest otherwise is nothing more then tin foil hat innuendo.

I would assume the issuance of any report that doesn't support what the mind merely conjures up will be met with similar cynicism. So why wait for any official findings by the agencies tasked with determining the cause.

There are far too many examples of people protecting their hides when it comes to these types of events. You act like it something personal against the garrison commander. I have no problem with Wild Trouter's skepticism at this point. It does sound "fishy" way more than coincidental. We should all be skeptical at this point. Our government officials should know that citizens are not just going to accept business as usual. And its not like the military has a great track record on environmental stewardship and transparency!
Good Luck.

You cant trust the PFBC or gubment to make a fishing license [d]tax[/d] increase.
But you dont think this sounds fishy?

How does a half foil hat fit? Tilt?