Lebanon Reservoir



New member
Dec 21, 2011
I was wondering if anyone knows whether the Lebanon reservoir is open to fishing or not. I saw there's a trail that runs around it and it's on state game lands. However I don't want to make the trip out there if it's not.
If you are talking the one that's up around Swatara State Park, I don't believe it is. We were swimming there when we were younger and state troopers handed out tickets....a lot of tickets. We hid in the woods until they left and avoided getting fined.
I hiked around the reservoir coming in from the Gold Mine end to fish the far side (east) tribs one time. They’re on the nat repro but they looked AMD impacted and I didn’t catch anything. I don’t recall seeing any no fishing or no trespassing signs along the reservoir itself, but part of it was fenced off, possibly due to a very steep bank. It was probably 4 or 5 years ago when I was there.

FWIW, the “trail” around the reservoir isn’t much of a trail, especially on the north side...I think it was just the grade they used to move equipment around when building the reservoir and it hasn't been used or maintained since. The north bank of the reservoir is essentially in a boulder field...It was a ballbuster of a hike through that part. It was a fun exploring outing, but a one and done for me given the effort expended for the fishing quality encountered.