Learning some new techniques



Sep 9, 2009
With some help from wetfly1, this is the latest fly I tied. Dubbing loop, soft hackly collar techniques which I hadn't done much of yet. Variation on a Murray's Strymph.
Nice fly BA. Here's a tip for tying the a soft hackle when you don't want it so heavily hackled. Select a hackle feather such as partridge of proper length for the fly. When you look a the feather you will notice it has a curve to it. Remove all the hackle from one side of the feather on the convex side (the inside of the curve). Now wrap it maybe twice around the shank until there is an equal amount of hackle around the shank and tie it off. Often, less is more with hackle.

Here's a tutorial I found to demonstrate what I wrote above:


Also, here is a tutorial for utilizing the longer hackles on a skin for smaller flies. It's a great technique:

nice tie steve. the technique shown that was posted by afishinado in the charlies fly box link is a really good one. great for your smaller nymphs, easy, and looks really nice. thats they way i learned how to do it, highly recommended!
nice fly Steve I like your dubbing mix looks buggy.
Very buggy. Looks great!:)