leader/tippet question



Feb 8, 2014
i'm somewhat new to fly fishing. i bought my fly rod and reel already strung with line. the leader that came on the line was a one piece tapered leader. it is a 9 foot 6x tapered. it is probably now about 4 feet or so in length from just changing flies out and i figure its time to put a new leader on. can i just cut this one down to about a foot and then make my own tippet out of 6x material that is about 8 feet long to get a 9 foot leader? or do i need to cut off a little fly line and do a nail knot with a completely new leader? not sure if i'm explaining this correctly but any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!
What I would do is tie a tippet ring at the end of the line which might be at 3x or 4x by now, From the tippet ring you can tie on 2-3 ft of 4x, 5x or 6x tippet material. Work down the tippet material until you need to add more or change the density.

so what you're saying is my 6x tippet at 9 feet is probably around 4x now at its current length (about 3 feet). and i should add about 2-3 feet of 5x to get it to 5-6 feet and another 2-3 feet of 6x to get it back to 9 feet? did i understand that correctly?
huntfish wrote:

so what you're saying is my 6x tippet at 9 feet is probably around 4x now at its current length (about 3 feet). and i should add about 2-3 feet of 5x to get it to 5-6 feet and another 2-3 feet of 6x to get it back to 9 feet? did i understand that correctly?

Yes. Add 2-3 ft 5x, then another 2-3 ft 6x.

Learn to love tippet rings at the end of the 4x (ish) part of your leader and the stiffer butt end will last a long time. Just add or subtract tippet as needed.

My suggestion would be to buy a new leader and have someone who can help you recognize where the leader ends and the tippet is beginning. Then you can always know when to add more tippet. Mark it with a sharpie so you know where that spot is.
As has been stated you can buy tippet rings and it will be obvious, or a furled leader would work too.
At this time of year when fishing mostly subsurface this isn't too critical but as you try to throw dry flies you will need to have the leader put together correctly for proper presentation with drag free presentations.
I would suggest you have a few leaders in your vest/pack in case of tree/bush fish. They play heck with leaders when you are just learning. Don't frustrate yourself too much out on the water trying to untangle a nest. Cut it off and tie on a new one. Untangle later at home.
Thanks everyone!! appreciate the feedback and advice!
If you don't already know how to tie a blood knot, learn it and practice it with some mono...cheap line off an old spin rod is good for this or pick up a spool at walmart. I practiced while I watched tv or when I had some down time at work. Once you get fast at it you'll be making leader/Tippet modifications on the water without much down time.
No you don't need to cut it down, just add a piece of tippet, I do this all the time as my leader is shortened by changing flies. In fact I do this with new leaders, except that I buy leaders that are 3X and 4X, 7'6" leaders, and tie on the tippet, tapered down to the size I want for the termination. Generally use a 3 to 4 foot tippet.