Leader/ tippet length versus rod length



Jun 10, 2009
Hey guys was looking for some advice on leader/ tippet vs rod length. I am using a seven foot rod and fishing at clarks where it seems unless im using a longish leader/tippet 10ft 6x I cant get as many rises..the problem is I can't seem to turn over the fly that well...not sure if its just my noobie casting skills or if my leader is too long for my rod, I find it even harder if I'm using a size 14 foam beetle, it always seems to parachute down in a pile. Thanks in advance.
The size 14 beetle on 6x might be the problem. It catches air and will sometimes stop a cast from rolling out.

Of course it could be casting too. If you are stoping your casting motion to soon, a pile up will happen This can be a great rick cast though.
Thanks , so would you use a heavier tippet on a 14 beetle...and what is a rick cast...sorry for my ignorance!
I'd use 5x. With a beetle I look for explosive strikes so tippet size isn't a factor.

I meant trick -- too much typing lately with the online classes I'm taking.

When you start out they always tell you to make sure your leader is straigtening out, but reality is fishing and casting are so different. If you stop high and don't finish with a crisp stop, your line will pile up and this is called: pile cast, dump cast, bucket cast, and probably more names. It's a technique to get more time with your fly on the water without drag.
Thanks , that makes sense.
I don't like using a long leader on shorter rods.
I tie some in the 8-9 foot range for my 7'9' 2 weight rod, and is only fished on small to medium size streams.
I also have a 6' rod that just gets used on the tiny streams that you can practically jump over. I tie a 6' leader for that kind of fishing
Are you using store bought tapered leaders? What length of tippet are you tying onto your leader?
I tie my own leaders with a 36"orvis hyflote butt section, and stren mono for the rest of the sections, finishing off with a 30" section of 5x orvis super strong tippet.
This is my 11-12 foot leader.
I just shorten all the sections - except for the final 5x tippet piece - for the shorter leaders
Quick obsevation. It's not the size of the rod that's relevant to the tippet length. It's the type of fishing itself. Fishing for brookies on a small crick with a 7-1/2 foot road and an 11 foot leader probably won't work. Conditions are usually very tight. BUT fishing with that same rod on an open, pastorial spring creek with a 11 foot leader tapered to 7x might be fine. Adjust to the conditions not to the equipment.