Laughlintown Run Westmoreland



New member
Feb 25, 2016
PA wild trout listing says that there is 42% of the stream open? Does anyone know the access locations or the size of the stream in the open areas? Thank you.
I believe the stream is posted up to its confluence with roaring run, and runs along the property of many homeowners through Laughlintown down to where it enters Loyalhanna.. It's a pretty small stream, 5-10ft wide, with wild bows and some brookies.
I've never been able to find access - haven't yet resorted to asking homeowners though.
The percent open info given for streams is not reliable. Much of that info is decades old.

And the trend of increased posting of private land just keeps rolling along, as it has ever since I began fishing around 1970, and probably long before that.

Here are two possible approaches for finding these types of streams:

1) Checking Class A and reproduction lists etc., then checking to see if there is access.

2) Starting out with maps of public lands, such as state forests, ANF, SGLs, etc., where you KNOW there is public access, then seeing what streams are on those lands, by poring over the maps.

I mostly use method 2. I don't like worrying about going somewhere, starting to fish, then hitting posted land. Or fishing land that is not posted, and have a landowner come out yelling etc.

There is an enormous mileage of streams on public forested lands.
I drove up there to check it out. It's all private and really small. The best part of it runs through Rolling Rock property where it goes into Loyalhanna. Furnace Run and McCullen Run join right before Laughlinton town to make Laughlinton Run. I'd imagine Furnace Run and McCullen have fish in them but at least one of them was on posted property and they're very small. There's not even a lot of long stretches of property on Laughlinton Run to get permission to fish. It literally runs right through that small town, so if you got permission from one person, it'd be good for about 30'-50' of creek. Make friends with some politicians or very wealthy people that are members of Rolling Rock and see if they can get you onto their part.
Not a good stream to post online, mostly private.
Seems like most of the Class A rainbow streams in the Laurel highlands are like this. Most of them are very small waters on private property. I'v spent some time driving around checking them out and have yet to find much of anything that isnt posted